[ Quote ]

Debunking Misconceptions: The Book of Mormon and the Bible

This was posted in one of the Group that I responded on the comment section to some who take a good excuse about it. Below the text was the actual screenshot.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with my opinion and views, I may disagree the text or maybe some other may sound not appropriate in my understanding. So yeah, I'm not biased about it. I'm only posting this for the sake of linking it for the comment section conversations, which I got involve. And by the way, it will be on a separate post. - 


It's not uncommon to hear claims that The Book of Mormon, a sacred text in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), causes people to doubt the Bible. However, this assertion oversimplifies a complex relationship between the two texts and overlooks the perspectives of millions of individuals who find value in both. In this article, we'll explore the relationship between The Book of Mormon and the Bible and debunk the misconception that one necessarily undermines the other.

Complementary, Not Contradictory:

The Book of Mormon is often seen by LDS Church members as another testament of Jesus Christ. It is intended to complement the Bible, not replace it. Believers in both texts see them as harmonious witnesses to the divinity and teachings of Christ. The Book of Mormon does not negate the significance of the Bible but enriches the understanding of the gospel.

Different Perspectives, Shared Faith:

People who embrace The Book of Mormon alongside the Bible do not necessarily doubt the Bible. Instead, they approach these texts with different perspectives and find spiritual fulfillment in both. They view the Bible as a historical and spiritual document and The Book of Mormon as an additional witness to Jesus Christ.

Individual Interpretation:

Doubt or skepticism can arise from individual interpretation, but it's not unique to one's engagement with The Book of Mormon. People from various religious backgrounds often have different interpretations of scripture, including the Bible itself. Doubt may stem from questions about translation, historical accuracy, or theological matters, but it's not exclusive to The Book of Mormon.

Diverse Views on Scripture:

Within the broad spectrum of Christianity, there are diverse views on which texts are considered authoritative. Some denominations include additional texts alongside the Bible, while others do not. The presence of various Christian denominations with differing scriptural canons demonstrates that perspectives on scripture vary widely.

Personal Spiritual Journeys:

Doubt or faith in any religious text is often a part of an individual's spiritual journey. People grapple with questions, seek answers, and evolve in their beliefs. The Book of Mormon, like the Bible, can be a source of inspiration and guidance for those navigating their spiritual paths.


The assertion that The Book of Mormon causes people to doubt the Bible oversimplifies the nuanced relationship between these texts. While there may be individuals who question aspects of their faith, it's important to recognize that many find spiritual fulfillment and coherence in embracing both texts. The Book of Mormon is a significant part of the religious experience for millions, and it is approached as a complementary witness to the teachings of Jesus Christ alongside the Bible, rather than a source of doubt. Ultimately, the relationship between these texts is a matter of personal belief and interpretation.

Below was the actual screenshot of the OP - 

Random Arts: by Jasher

I don't know how he came up to make an art I'd never know about. But this one he said it's from Plants VS Zombies. Will, I don't know if it has a sequel. 😊, anyway here what he meant -

This one I guessed was the Potato Bomb

And this one is the Magnet Mushroom.
I Guess

Anyway, after I uploaded this one, he then says he saw this on tiktok. Anyway, not bad. Keep it up.

Stake conference: Saturday and Sunday Sessions

At 2:00 pm, the leadership session started and speakers this day had emphasized the importance of the Philippines Area Goal by President Del Rosario of Iba Stake Presidency.

The second speaker talked about the importance of the temple and Most of his talks focused on improving and teaching from our homes. Also talks about helping the youth to lead in the family. The Church leadership program emphasized teaching the parent to help their children lead the church. Youth was the key to leading the second coming of the Lord. Using the church tools such as for the strength of Youth, bishops or leaders have the opportunity to teach them from those tools. She also implied the story of the stripling warriors who defended their family, freedom, and religion. She added the characteristics of the stripling warrior's reading in Alma 53

20 And they were all young men, and they were exceedingly valiant for courage, and also for strength and activity; but behold, this was not all—they were men who were true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted.

21 Yea, they were men of truth and soberness, for they had been taught to keep the commandments of God and to walk uprightly before him.

The third speaker talks about having the family as the priority. She said learning is not learned only on the lesson, teaching by example is one of her emphases. Quoting D&C 4:2

Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

and also this one - 

Matthew 16:24-25
24¶ Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
25For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

The New Mission President also speak in which he talks more about his experience of those missionaries who serve with diligence. He read some letters from them and shared how they experienced their missions. He's kind of fun though, I thought he was strict.

One of the questions that was opened up was - 
  • How can we best prepare parents, leaders, and rising generations to cope with today's challenges and those that lie ahead?
After some of the answers From a bishop of Iba ward. He added the importance of the "Inspired Council System". 

Brethren, there are doors we can open, priesthood blessings we can give, hearts we can heal, burdens we can lift, testimonies we can strengthen, lives we can save, and joy we can bring into the homes of the Latter-day Saints—all because we hold the priesthood of God.

- Ministering with the Power and Authority of God By President Russell M. Nelson

His talk clearly speaks about training and delegating to the younger generation to help them understand and learn the works of bishops or leaders. They must understand and be taught how to act as leaders, so it will serve as a training ground for them.

President Jaramillo also made his remarks that talk about parental responsibilities. He emphasized that we as fathers must be a protector, a coach, and a consultant.

Sunday General Session, I was here of course to lead the singing as a choir director. It was kind of funny looking while directing in a stand in the middle of the congregation. It's what we'd planned to get the attention of the choir members, but seems like they got my attention.

While in the program, president Torio our Stake president made his talk more about following the saviour and being aware of making a wrong judgement. He tells the story of a scientist who concluded his experiment that a spider without legs can't crawl while his judgment was different, and that a spider is deft. He quoted Russell M. Nelson's talk Last Conference report about Jesus Christ as always the answer. He then concludes in the book of Alma chapter 1:4 about Nehor's story. And go on with Korihor's story. He added if we listen to these people and gossip, it will lead us nowhere. Finally, he shared D&C 78:7 

For if you will that I give unto you a place in the celestial world, you must prepare yourselves by doing the things which I have commanded you and required of you.

We sang 2 Songs while at the conference and it all went well.

Taken after the Sunday Session of the Stake Conference

Some Photo's Below - 

This is where we put the Stand in the middle of the Congregation.
And this is where we put our stuff. LOL!

I don't know why I got this.

Me and My Daughter Saraijah and I have some poise.


This song has caught my attention this day -

Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise Boldly

1. Let Zion in her beauty rise; Her light begins to shine.
Ere long her King will rend the skies, Majestic and divine,
The gospel spreading thru the land, A people to prepare
To meet the Lord and Enoch’s band Triumphant in the air.

2. Ye heralds, sound the golden trump To earth’s remotest bound.
Go spread the news from pole to pole In all the nations round:
That Jesus in the clouds above, With hosts of angels too,
Will soon appear, his Saints to save, His enemies subdue.

3. That glorious rest will then commence Which prophets did foretell,
When Saints will reign with Christ on earth, And in his presence dwell
A thousand years, oh, glorious day! Dear Lord, prepare my heart
To stand with thee on Zion’s mount And nevermore to part.

This was one of the hymns that we sang during the conference and the lyrics seem perfectly fit to the topic that was given by the speakers, I'll include some of it here in this article.

This was posted in Phoebe Anne Minas - Francisco
her concern for her husband as our Pianist

This was added in her post.
It is Cyrus Francisco of San Agustin Ward, performing the Piano for Stake Choir.

This could be a memorable Stake conference in my life. I thought I could play because of my sore eyes and the Stand was unexpected. Also some other things as a short period of time performing with the choir and it all went well. it's not perfect, but it was the best.
Our Stake President made his comments
in the Group Chat.

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Responding a Post: Joseph Smith False Prophecy - Part 1

Here's a Post from one of the critics who simply copied a source from an out-of-context quote and misunderstood the interpretation, everyone who claimed to know a thing, ends up ignorant on the issue. Let's find out - 

From the life of Joseph Smith in his address to David W. Patten - 

Verily, thus saith the Lord: It is wisdom in my servant David W. Patten, that he settle up all his business as soon as he possibly can, and make a disposition of his merchandise, that he may perform a mission unto me next spring, in company with others, even twelve including himself, to testify of my name and bear glad tidings unto the world.

Joseph Smith, Doctrine & Covenants 114:1, This prophecy was made on April 17, 1838. David W. Patten died in October of 1838 and thus never went on a mission the following spring.

Okay, so first, I want to shorten my comments. There were reasons that this prophecy wasn't fulfilled, and those reasons don't make someone a false prophet.

1. Persecutions were raging - David Patten died a martyr and experienced much persecution even if he needed to go to serve the Lord in some place called for him, but persecution is rising to a different level. He was willing to serve but persecution didn't let him to. Does this mean false prophecy?

2. Situation - When Jonas prophesied about the destruction of Nineveh, but God didn't let it, does that mean he is a false prophet? Of course not, everything has set into its conditions or sometimes situations. Another thing was, that Christ prophesied about his return while a generation of men in his days would not pass away to see him come again, did it happen? No! Was Christ a false prophet? Of course not! There were reasons behind it. I would like to add it soon after I made this article. Anyway, As Christ once said, it's "thy (God's) well". If God sees it doesn't fit that way, then it's all his well be done.

This was a classic criticism that they mostly quote scripture like Deuteronomy 18:22 to find it a failed prophecy but fail to understand the rest of the scriptures just as I gave recently.

When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen, or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.- Deuteronomy 18:22

So why was that? Is it all about picking up a ripe cherry while justifying the rest of the context?

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How important is education to you?

How important is education to you?
Word from a former leader of the church David O. Mckay says about this in his book titled "Secret of a Happy Life".

And here's his words about it -

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