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National Geographic: Lost World of the Maya

I came up to this video from NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC with the discovery of a lost Mayan City. So interesting, that seems like descoveries were just merely scraching above surface. I think there will be more descoveries soon that would link us to their history and religion. But, yeah for sure, there are also spoilers. Anyway, the video didn't tell us something about book of Mormon times or history, there's no way for a Documented film would trace Mormonisms and its theology.

National Geographic: Lost World of the Maya

I came up to this video from NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC with the discovery of a lost Mayan City. So interesting, that seems like descoveries were just merely scraching above surface. I think there will be more descoveries soon that would link us to their history and religion. But, yeah for sure, there are also spoilers. Anyway, the video didn't tell us something about book of Mormon times or history, there's no way for a Documented film would trace Mormonisms and its theology.

National Geographic: Lost World of the Maya

I came up to this video from NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC with the discovery of a lost Mayan City. So interesting, that seems like descoveries were just merely scraching above surface. I think there will be more descoveries soon that would link us to their history and religion. But, yeah for sure, there are also spoilers. Anyway, the video didn't tell us something about book of Mormon times or history, there's no way for a Documented film would trace Mormonisms and its theology.

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