[ Quote ]

Mother's Love

In the warm embrace of her arms,

Guiding and comforting in all life's storms.
Her touch soothes and her voice sings,
In shared moments, our bond brings wings.

In her loving hold, fears depart,
Her love a beacon that warms the heart.
Words like a sweet melody play,
Guiding me along life's winding way.

A mother's love, a steady guide,
In the shadows and when the paths divide.
A mother's love, a bond unbroken,
In her arms, assurance is spoken.

For every tear she's softly dried,
And the unspoken words that abide.
Her sacrifices, both big and small,
Are memories I'll forever recall.

Through all challenges, she's my guide,
A light in life's turbulent ride.
Her strength unwavering and pure,
In her embrace, I find solace sure.

- Jerry N. Bustillo

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