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Battle Realms and Red Alert: Game Download

Alright so here are the games that I played since I learned PC games in my days. I will be adding other game but possibly it will be on the other page of this blog.

As for the main time, below are the links of this games. Contact me ASAP if it won't work so I could add some missing files on it.


  • Red Alert 2 (Include Yuri's Revenge Pack) other mods not included.

Note: this works only on PC if you have a new version of Windows that doesn't support the game, I recommend on downgrading or if you think it's a hustle, then read online article on how to play old pc games on new windows. Windows 7 works fine for me since I used it for my old school games. Good luck!

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Nephi's Psalm

Image taken from http://www.bookofmormonbattles.com

Images may be used for non-commercial purposes.

Sunday, February 18, 2024 we talk and discussed the part where Lehi leaves a blessing for his Sons and Daughters before he passes away.

Most of his blessings were found in Nephi's writings 2 Nephi Chapter 1 to 4. The main subject of our Sunday school class was the qualities of Nephi towards his brethren where I was ask what attributes does Nephi has during their time. My answer was actually in the Psalm of Nephi were he said this line -

28 Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the enemy of my soul.
29 Do not anger again because of mine enemies. Do not slacken my strength because of mine afflictions.
34 O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm.

I made a commentary about some of the Ensights that I'd learn in the Book of Mormon particularly about Nephi's attitude towards his Family Members.

We all know Nephi's courage during the times of their hardships and we all knew that Nephi saw a vision by the Angel who appeared to him about some of the future events, and one of those was  the destruction of his people. He was sad and even felt so down to see their days. And when his father made a blessings before he passed away. He made a declaration about the seed of Laman and Lemuel which he said that -

thou shalt not utterly be destroyed; but in the end thy seed shall be blessed. - 2 Nephi 4:9

Yet, Nephi did never change his value of being a good person that was born in a goodly parents. He knew those days will come and it's not a surprise to see his seed suffer much consequences because of their pride and ignorance, yet Nephi remains steadfast in worshiping the God he knew as he declared in his Psalm. Perhaps Nephi couldn't change the future but hopeful that his words will remain to be remembered to the future sons and daughters of his brethren. He truly is an amazing servant of God who endure much and still remains his faithfulness to the end.

Carved Stone dated Lehi and Ishmael's time.

It has been for a while since I posted some archeological evidence of the book of Mormon. And here is a new look of some discovered carved stone where it supports a period of Lehi's Journeys to the Land of Promise as they call it.

One of the carved stone where it inscribed a name of a person "YAS-MA IL" where probably linked to Ishmael's grave, thus the name in English suggest.

Just as I had said the last time about the article I posted about "Nahom" (check out the link given), and since it wasn't officially declared, I remain neutral to whatever study and discoveries. But this one is fascinating.

See the video for more detail.

Link to article

AI Generated Story: Is it reliable?

Such a interesting story that ever created by an AI. I am not a fan of it though and I don't think AI is perfect as of this days. Perhaps every informations will be gathered sooner in some future time but as of now AI shows they're reliable to construct an easy content. And below was the Story that I constructed using an AI technology. See for yourself -

Once upon a time, in a deep forest, there lived an owl named Oliver and a fox named Felix. The two were inseparable friends, always seeking adventure and helping each other through thick and thin. They shared a bond built on love and friendship that was known throughout the woods.
One day, as winter came knocking at the door, Felix realized that he didn't have a warm and cozy hole to live in anymore. The forest was engulfed in giant trees, making it almost impossible for him to find a suitable den.

Distressed, Felix turned to Oliver for help. With his wise and sharp mind, Oliver knew he had to find a solution for his dearest friend. He pondered for a moment before a bright idea struck him.

"I know what we can do, Felix! We'll build you a lovely log house," Oliver exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with determination.

Surprised but hopeful, Felix asked, "But how can we construct a house out here in the forest?"

Oliver reassured him, "We're not alone, my friend. I'll gather some of our fellow birds to lend us a helping wing."

With that, Oliver soared high into the forest, spreading the word of their mission to all the birds he encountered. Sparrows, woodpeckers, and finches came together, forming a team united by their love for Oliver and Felix.

Using their beaks, wings, and determination, the birds gathered logs, branches, and leaves from all corners of the forest. They worked day and night, placing each piece of wood with meticulous care to construct a snug log house for Felix. Together, they transformed the forest into a bustling construction site.

As the days passed, the log house began to take shape, standing tall and secure. On the day of its completion, the birds invited Felix to see his new home. Overwhelmed with gratitude, the fox couldn't contain his excitement as he stepped inside.

Inside the cozy log house, Felix found warmth and comfort he had never experienced before. He turned to Oliver, his eyes filled with tears of joy. "Thank you, my dear friend. You and the others have shown me the true meaning of love and service."

Oliver smiled, his heart brimming with happiness. "It was our pleasure, Felix. True friendship knows no bounds, and it is an honor to be able to help one another."

From that day forward, Felix and Oliver's bond grew even stronger. They became the epitome of friendship, always ready to lend a paw or a wing to those in need. Their story traveled throughout the forest, inspiring animals of all kinds to come together and help one another.

The deep forest, once known for its towering trees, became renowned for its compassion and love. Animals of different species collaborated, creating a harmonious environment where everyone felt safe and cared for.

In the end, it was not the size of the trees or the cold of winter that defined their existence. It was the love, friendship, and selflessness of creatures like Oliver and Felix that made the forest truly magical.

And so, the tale of the owl and the fox echoed through the hearts of both children and adults, teaching them the timeless lesson of being the best friend one could be.

Cool right? But as I had said, not a fan in it.

Things That I must do in a relationship with my wife.

I may not be a good husband.
- Jerry N. Bustillo

To my Loving Wife
who strive to make a good home.

Having a strong and healthy relationship with your spouse is important in any marriage, and there are many principles in the scriptures that can guide us in building a strong relationship with our spouses. Here are a few key principles:
  • Love and Respect: In Ephesians 5:33, it says, "However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." This verse emphasizes the importance of love and respect in a marriage. It's important to show love and affection to your wife and to treat her with respect.
  • Communication: Open and honest communication is vital in any relationship. In Ephesians 4:29, it says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." This verse reminds us to use our words to build each other up and to communicate in a loving and respectful way.
  • Sacrificial Love: Jesus taught us about sacrificial love, and this principle applies to our relationships as well. In Ephesians 5:25, it says, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." This verse encourages husbands to love their wives sacrificially, just as Christ loved the church.
  • Forgiveness: In any relationship, there will be times when we make mistakes or hurt each other. It's important to practice forgiveness and extend grace to one another. In Colossians 3:13, it says, "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
These are just a few principles from the Bible that can guide us in building a biblical relationship with our spouses. It's important to study the Word of God together, pray together, and seek guidance from God in your marriage. Remember, every relationship is unique, and it's important to seek wisdom and guidance from God as you navigate your marriage journey.

Showing love and respect to your wife involves both actions and attitudes. Here are some practical ways to demonstrate love and respect:
  • Love her unconditionally: The Bible teaches us to love our wives unconditionally, just as Christ loves the church. This means loving her regardless of her flaws or shortcomings. Show her love through your words, actions, and gestures of affection.
  • Listen to her: Take the time to truly listen to your wife and value her opinions and feelings. Show genuine interest in what she has to say and be attentive to her needs. This demonstrates respect and validates her as an important part of your life.
  • Serve and support her: Look for ways to serve and support your wife. Help with household chores, offer assistance when she's overwhelmed, and be her biggest cheerleader. Encourage her dreams and aspirations, and be there to support her in achieving them.
  • Communicate with kindness and gentleness: Use your words to build her up and speak to her with kindness and gentleness. Avoid harsh or hurtful language, and be mindful of how you communicate, especially during disagreements. Ephesians 4:29 reminds us to speak words that are helpful and beneficial.
  • Show affection: Physical touch and affection are important in a marriage. Show your wife affection through hugs, kisses, and holding hands. Physical touch can communicate love and care in a powerful way.
  • Pray for her: Lift your wife up in prayer regularly. Pray for her well-being, her dreams, her challenges, and her spiritual growth. Praying for your wife demonstrates your love and commitment to her.
  • Seek her input and involve her in decision-making: Value your wife's opinions and involve her in decision-making processes. This shows respect for her thoughts and ideas and reinforces the importance of teamwork in your relationship.
Remember, every marriage is unique, and it's important to communicate with your wife and understand her specific needs and preferences. The Bible provides principles, but it's essential to apply them in a way that aligns with your wife's personality and love language.

High Priest after the Order of Melchizedek

Coming Soon!

This has been a common concern about the relationship of Christ Authority after the order Melchizedek.

  • How was it that way?
  • Was Melchizedek Superior than Christ?
  • Who was Melchizedek and How was his Priesthood in different level?
This and many more will be discussed here soon. Much of research will be gathered from different sources. So check back and let's take a dipper look at the biblical history.

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