[ Quote ]

In Defense of Truth: 45

Baptist Church: I have a question, which comes first, the Priesthood or baptism in the Mormon Church? You see, l challenge you to show me a passage or verse where the apostles were baptized into the church. Also, a passage or verse to show me who did it, since John 4:2 informs us that Christ did not baptize. Also, can a man hold the Priesthood without being baptized?

Missionaries: The cases are few and far between but a man can hold the Priesthood without being baptized. Joseph Smith received the Priesthood from John the Baptist, and then baptized Oliver Cowdery, and the same was true in reverse. Our Lord, in Matt. 10:1-3 gave the apostles His power and authority, (also Luke 9:11) and I guess due to your own lack of knowledge you did not read in Matt. 20:21-23 where Christ promised James and John that they were to be baptized. You have also forgotten that it was the "council" and "will" of God for them to be baptized, "of the baptism of John." (Luke 7:29-30) Also, the baptism could have been performed by anyone who had the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood which Priesthood the Jews held. The fact that we do not have records on everything that was ever done with the apostles does not mean it was not done. The teachings are there and therefore it was done but there exists no written record of it today.


If you don't want to be called weak, THEN DON'T BE!

Jasher's Gala-gala in SM

Facing The Cam, Jasher is enjoying though it is not moving.

Love to have a car. Someday you will, you can choose that color.

He love's it and thinks he is in the park for a horse ride.

There you go. You learned so fast riding a non-moving horse.

Can you make a smile? Jasher?

Here's the camera, never mind that hose it's not even moving.

Our Time Together, 2015 Christmas is not cool, but it's worth it.

Jasher is in the Makulet Mood.

We found this one with 5 credits. We thought it's just a computer bug.

So here he goes. Slow down Jasher.

What Now? Need some

Let see how it works.

Am I doing it right Ate Yam?

Smile, One more time.

A Nice Close up

Ate Acel, Look at me!

Is it Ready, I didn't hear you count 1, 2, 3.

Want to play Hide and Seek Papa?

I am Ready to Hide.

Banana and Short.

Break it down.

Your too Close

Much Better.

Did you see that Bug?

My Precious Family

These were some the picture collage that I created on my phone. So lovely so I love to have it reserved in the Blog. These are my Precious beloved Family.

Saraijah and her Mother.

My Precious Ladies.

Jasher the Begotten Son.

Mother and Daughter Together

For image resize CSS Trick.
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Asuncion Geron Sisgon Bustillo

Virtues and chosen of 3 Beautiful Children. She was raised in a family who know only farms for a living, somewhere in Bulawen, Palauig Zambales. She is the Youngest among 6 siblings. Born on 13th on the month of May 1977. She is skilled in cooking and spends most of her time in the food business industry, though she didn’t go through formal education on cooking. She hates places that are not organized. Went on a mission in “Philippines Naga Mission” and serve with some branches. During her time, she taught one of the Church investigators who had tuberculosis which she didn’t discern at that time and eventually led her to get infected, she was treated while on her mission, but during that time her mission terms ended, so the medication continues while on her home branch in Bulawen.

One of the event she remembers while serving in Naga Mission Philippines was their visit inside the Camp of "I Love Lola" Religion. One of the religion claim somewhere in Bicol Region.
During Her Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Serves in Philippines Naga Mission

Baby Sitting with one of her Niece.

Reflection on the Mirror.
Captured by one of her Friend.

Add caption

Asuncion with Jerry Bustillo. Her Husband

During her stay in Cebu. At Mabolo Ward Chapel.

With Black and White.


Some Cute Pictures of my Pretty Daughter (Saraijah Sisgon Bustillo)

With her cousin, Lyka M. Chiong

Picture 1 | Picture 2 | Picture 3 | Picture 4 | Picture 5 | Picture 6 | Picture 7 | Picture 8 | Picture 9 | Picture 10

In Defense of Truth: 44

Methodist Church: I understand in your church you have tithing, fast offering, fast days, and not all your apostles appoint officers in your church. Can you produce for me in the New Testament where these practices were found in the early church?

Missionaries: I certainly will. For tithing, read Matt. 25:23 and you will find that Christ taught the principle. For membership appointing leaders, (and not apostles appointing them), read Acts 6, where the seven were chosen by the congregation, and for fast offerings try 1 Cor. 16:2. These were all doctrines of the early church. There are so many scriptures on this subject that it would waste our time to show them to you.

To the CES Director

[Name of CES Director Removed],

Thank you for responding to my grandfather's request to answer my concerns and questions and for offering your time with me. I appreciate it.

I’m interested in your thoughts and answers as I have been unable to find official answers from the Church for most of these issues. It is my hope that you’re going to have better answers than many of those given by unofficial apologists such as FairMormon and the Neal A. Maxwell Institute (formerly FARMS).

I’m just going to be straightforward in sharing my concerns. Obviously, I’m a disaffected member who lost his testimony so it’s no secret which side I’m on at the moment. All this information is a result of over a year of intense research and an absolute rabid obsession with Joseph Smith and Church history. With this said, I’d be pretty arrogant and ignorant to say that I have all the information and that you don’t have answers. Like you, I put my pants on one leg at a time and I see through a glass darkly. You may have new information and/or a new perspective that I may not have heard or considered before. This is why I’m genuinely interested in what your answers and thoughts are to these issues.

I’ve decided to put down in writing just about all the major concerns that I have. I went through my notes from my past year of research and compiled them together. It doesn’t make sense for me to just lay down 5 concerns while also having 20 other concerns that legitimately challenge the truth claims of the LDS Church.

A quick description of my background might help you understand where I'm coming from. I was a very active and fully believing member my entire life up until around the summer of 2012. My grandpa already outlined my life events to you in his email so I think you get the idea that I accepted and embraced Mormonism.

In February of 2012, I was reading the news online when I came across the following news article: Mormonism Besieged by the Modern Age 1 . In the article was information about a Q&A meeting at Utah State University that LDS Church Historian and General Authority, Elder Marlin K. Jensen, gave in late 2011. He was asked his thoughts regarding the effects of Google on membership and people who are "leaving in droves" over Church history.

Elder Marlin K. Jensen’s response:

“Maybe since Kirtland, we’ve never had a period of – I’ll call it apostasy, like we’re having now; largely over these issues…”

This truly shocked me. I didn’t understand what was going on or why people would leave “over history.” I started doing research and reading books like LDS historian and scholar Richard Bushman’s Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling2 and many others to try to better understand what was happening.

The following issues are among my main concerns.

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