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Tiny Bible

This tiny Bible was found by my son somewhere in beachside where he tries to get some tiny fisher for a pet although he doesn't know how to take care a sea creatures, still he wanted to have some of it and explore other creatures he never meet.

While there, he found this and the interesting part was it is readable. Never seen one like this before. And here's some of the pictures that I collected. You can see clearly if you zoom it. But my phone's camera is not that good at all.

I ordered new Online and I found it cheaper than I thought. Unfortunately, when it arrived, it was in Spanish translation, so I thought of giving it someone who knows Spanish. I never plan ordering it again after it happened.

Journal Entry - November 6, 2023

Woke up early for work and a Hospital Checkup for my daughter and wife. Their immune system seems like it is dropping as they feel it. My daughter had flu, but my wife decided to have both with my son Jasher.

Will, there's nothing much actually here but some Journal Entry about their visit to Saint Pios Medical Center.

Anyways, here are some of their pictures.

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