Take me to your Heart

This simple request I make today,
May you take to heart what my verses convey.
They bring a joy that’s fresh and bright,
Enjoy each word with pure delight.

The poem flows with rhythmic grace,
Like a sweet song in a special place.
It holds a charm both rare and fine,
Touching hearts with its gentle line.

If you choose to sing with your lyre,
May these words your heart inspire.
They’ll bring tears of joy under the moon,
A treasured gift, a precious boon.

Your tears will be from sheer happiness,
Not from love that’s unfulfilled or less.
But from a lasting admiration pure,
A testament to a heart secure.

Reflect upon each word I wrote with care,
To grasp the thoughts embedded there.
For without true understanding's key,
The poem’s soul remains a mystery.


Check out the rest of my blog post at www.bustillo-family.blogspot.com