Come, Follow Me: Scriptural Insights - Alma 43–51

For the Blessings of Liberty, by Scott M. Snow.

This week's Come Follow Me study focuses on Alma 43–51 in the Book of Mormon. So this will be some of the insights or scripture reference and reflection based on my understanding, and experience upon reading this weeks scripture. Just as I had said as always, this is based on my personal study, so it is best to take your own personal study to gain more knowledge on the said chapters for this week.

Scripture Insights
In these chapters, we read about Captain Moroni and the war chapters, which give us powerful lessons about faith, preparation, and leadership:
  • Alma 43:45-47 shows how the Nephites fought with courage because they were defending their families, their liberty, and their God.
  • Alma 46:12-13 describes how Moroni creates the “Title of Liberty,” a symbol of the values and freedoms he and his people cherished.
Conference Messages
To complement your study, here are some related insights from recent General Conference talks:
  • "Stand as Witnesses" by President Henry B. Eyring speaks about the importance of standing for truth and righteousness, much like Captain Moroni.
  • "Our Banners of Liberty" by Elder Jeffrey R. Hollanad emphasizes standing firm in our beliefs and the importance of symbols that remind us of our commitments to God and family.
Reflecting on these scriptures and talks, think about how you can be like Captain Moroni—standing firm in your faith, protecting your family, and preparing yourself spiritually for challenges.

In-depth Analysis and Reflection

  1. Preparation and Faith (Alma 43-44)
    • Verses to Reflect On:
      • Alma 43:19—"And when the armies of the Lamanites saw that the people of Nephi, or that Moroni, had prepared his people with breastplates and with arm-shields, yea, and also shields to defend their heads, and also they were dressed with thick clothing."
      • Alma 44:4—Moroni attributes victory to God, stating, “Behold, we are not of your faith, but we believe that God will deliver us, for what you see is our faith.”
    • Reflection: Just like Moroni prepared his armies physically, we must prepare ourselves spiritually and temporally. Armoring ourselves with prayer, scripture study, and righteous living can help us withstand the daily "battles" we face.
  2. Righteous Leadership (Alma 46)
    • Verses to Reflect On:
      • Alma 46:12—Here, Moroni raises the title of liberty that says, "In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children."
      • Alma 46:21-22—People rally around the title of liberty, committing to defend these sacred things.
    • Reflection: Moroni’s example shows how powerful righteous leadership can be. He inspires the Nephites not only to defend their lands but also to recommit to their faith. Think about ways you can influence others positively, whether in your family, community, or church.
  3. Unity and Strength (Alma 50-51)
    • Verses to Reflect On:
      • Alma 50:23—Describes a period of peace, "never was a happier time among the people of Nephi."
      • Alma 50:36-37—Talks about the challenges of warfare and the need for unity and strong defenses.
    • Reflection: The Nephites’ success often relied on their unity. We can apply this lesson by fostering love, unity, and charity in our families, wards, and communities. Building strong relationships can support us during difficult times.
Practical Applications in Daily Life
  1. Spiritual "Armor" - Establish a daily routine of prayer and scripture reading. Consider setting specific times to ensure consistency. This routine can act as your spiritual armor, fortifying you against life's challenges.
  2. Actively Serve Others - Participate in service projects, whether organized by the ward or in your community. Service can help us develop Christlike attributes and build unity.
  3. Strengthen Family Bonds - Hold regular family councils to discuss spiritual and temporal goals. Engage in activities that strengthen your relationships, like family home evening, game nights, or outdoor activities.
Top 10 Questions that makes study more meaningful.

Here are 10 questions to make your Come Follow Me study more meaningful:
  1. What can we learn from Captain Moroni's leadership and strategic planning in Alma 43-44?
  2. Why is the concept of “fortifying cities” in Alma 48 so crucial, and how can we apply this principle to fortify our lives today?
  3. How did the principles of unity and faith contribute to the Nephites' victories?
  4. What are the dangers of pride and selfishness as illustrated by Amalickiah’s story in Alma 47-49?
  5. In what ways did Captain Moroni and his followers demonstrate their trust in the Lord during times of war?
  6. How does the story of the Lamanite soldiers changing their hearts in Alma 43:30-54 inspire you to seek personal transformation?
  7. What role does righteous leadership play in maintaining peace and order, as seen in Alma 50 with Captain Moroni and Pahoran?
  8. How does the concept of spiritual preparation in Alma 49 apply to our daily lives?
  9. What impact does having a “title of liberty” have on personal and communal motivation and morale?
  10. How can we apply the lessons from Alma 51 about the importance of internal unity and righteousness to strengthen our families and communities today?
Thought-provoking Questions.

Here are some thought-provoking questions for your study this week. It's not necessarily important to take everything on it in one setting, 
  1. Captain Moroni is known for his unwavering faith and leadership.
    • How can his approach to conflict apply to managing personal challenges in today's world?
  2. The "Title of Liberty" was a powerful symbol for the Nephites.
    • What symbols in your life remind you of your covenants and commitments to God?
  3. Amalickiah's ambition and deceit led to significant consequences.
    • How can recognizing the influences of pride and ambition in our own lives help us make better choices?
  4. Captain Moroni prepared extensively for battle.
    • How can we prepare spiritually to face unexpected challenges or "battles" in our lives?
  5. Consider the importance of unity among the Nephites.
    • In what areas of your life could greater unity bring about more strength and success?
  6. The fortifications built by the Nephites served as both physical and spiritual protection.
    • What "fortifications" can we build in our homes and communities to protect against spiritual dangers?
  7. Reflecting on the role of righteous leaders like Pahoran -
    • How can we support and sustain our church and community leaders today?
  8. How does the principle of "faith preceding the miracle" manifest in the stories of the Nephites' battles, and how can it apply to our personal faith journeys?
  9. Seeing how Moroni inspired his people -
    • What are some ways we can inspire and uplift those around us to remain steadfast in their faith?
  10. The Nephites enlisted divine help in their struggles.
    • How can we make prayer and seeking God's guidance a more integral part of our problem-solving processes?
These questions are designed to help you dig deeper and find personal application as you read and ponder these chapters, but as I have said, it not necessary to take everything on it in your lesson or personal study, you still have to rely the Holy Spirit how it works.


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