I thought and wonder was it part of your creation.
The moment the sun again sits and rises,
The same thought and it never misses.
The things I knew where sometimes blurry,
In a world full of erroneous and lots of worry.
I sometimes make a substitute of thy spirit,
While doing the best knowledge as I teach it.
Joy and Laughter I shouted as we all party,
Never understood a short life we need to hurry.
Trouble I could find while the world was on my head,
The teaching that I learn felt empty while in bed.
I listed all the possibilities how my life might end,
Yet I never learn how the teaching must be spent.
The last shout would never be in joy and Laughter,
While in the end the shout "Hosanna" was all that matter.
- Jerry Nuñez Bustillo
From a thought about the definition "Save Us"
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Jerry Nuñez Bustillo