The Whisper of the Olive Tree

In quiet moments, under the Olive Tree's shade,
a whisper reaches out to touch both you and me,
Powerful yet gentle, it beckons us to light the way,
a call to mend, to heal, to set the captive spirits free.

As dawn unfurls its golden rays each new day,
we speak life into souls searching for a sign from above,
Our hands, vessels of the Master's tender mercies,
our hearts, beating echoes of His boundless love.

We stand together till His return, in fields wide and deep,
joyous laborers harvesting the peace we've sworn to keep.
In this sacred time, this hallowed quest, our spirits soar,
serving the Lord of Lords, eternally blessed.

From above, heaven gazes, witnessing our sacred creed,
our words a balm of peace, so rare, so exquisitely sown.
As we tend with gentle hands, with every mindful deed,
Truth and hope take root in every heart, now fully grown.

Inspired from the "Olive Tree"Book of Mormon Soundtract.


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