Book of Mormon Anachronism: Word use Adieu

A question as to how the word that has never been a word during Book of Mormon times, but was used after Joseph Smith introduced the Book of Mormon?

Why was it there, and does it define the Book of Mormon as authentic?

Alright, so for the sake of answering the question that has been circulating around the group, and perhaps this will help us understand how the translation process goes, let's try to understand and learn something about the Book of Mormon.

From a Group Post question by Will Liam

Age of Enlightenment inside LDS -

First, let's try to see how the words used during 18th century if ever I could find one.

I am pleased to see you all apparently cheerful and lighthearted, buoyant with hope and expectation, indicating feelings good and true, warm and kindly. Virtue and integrity, with due respect for others according to station and circumstances, will secure to you a continuation of that glow of charity and goodwill which now animates your breasts. And when you shall bid adieu to earth, may your garments be clean and white, thoroughly washed in the blood of the Lamb, Rev. 7:14 Alma 13:11 and meet with a kindly welcome in your Father's house! I will try to be with you there. Heaven bless the pure in heart, henceforth and for ever! 
(English Grammar. Opening Address by Elder Orson Hyde, Delivered before his Class at the Social Hall, G. S. L. City, on Tuesday evening, December 14, 1858. Reported By: Unknown)

There are phases associated with human existence and the departure of humanity from this world that are more pleasant than others, and we should like generally, if we could have our way, to make all preparations, have everything arranged, and to leave this world, bidding adieu to our friends and companions as quietly and easily as practicable. We should all like this if we could have our own way about it. But we do not have our choice. “God moves in a mysterious way,” we are told, and the dispensations of Providence are inscrutable. Nor is it a matter of very much moment, according to my ideas, how, or in what way, we leave this world; the great object is and the great questions for us to solve are, are we prepared? Have we formed a union with God our heavenly Father? Have we obtained the forgiveness of our sins? Are we living our religion? Are we keeping the commandments of God? Have we made arrangements for our everlasting associations with beings in the eternal worlds? If we have, if this is our position, it matters but little how or when we leave this world, that must be left for the Almighty to regulate and to decide upon. (It is of Little Import How We Leave this World, so that We are Prepared to Live or Die—God Has Ordained that All Men Must Die. Discourse by Elder John Taylor, delivered at the Funeral Services of Elder Thomas Williams, in the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Rooms, Salt Lake City, Sunday Morning, July 19, 1874. Reported By: David W. Evans)

Oh, God, search me and try me, and prove me, and if there is any way of wickedness in me, exhibit it to me; let me see it that I may bid it adieu, and let me be a good Saint; let me live in the enjoyment of thy favor and let the light of the Holy Ghost and of revelation rest upon me; let me be in favor with God and my brethren and all good men, and then when I get through, receive the reward of the just. Ps. 139:23-24 (The United Order—How Unity is to Be Attained—Reform Necessary—The Order of the Kingdom of God—Stewardships. Discourse by Elder John Taylor, delivered in the Old Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Aug. 31, 1875. Reported By: David W. Evans)

And there are about some others using the same phrase in there talk using English dialogue. Okay, so what am I up to? As the Post said that something is not right in its order where it was supposed to be in the other place. It may be right, but we should also understand how translation goes. Joseph Smith didn't translate the plates with just a word that prompt from an Egyptian or Hebrew dialect to JUST English Phrases, but rather he translates it from ancient dialect to the words they do understand during his days. Just as the word Bible which was indeed used as one of Nephi's declaration (which is in 2 Nephi 29:3-4, 6 & 10) but that (Bible) wasn't available in their days. And what will Joseph Smith supposed to do to understand the words in his time. Of course he has to translate it. And the word Adieu is not a new word in his time, both English and French speakers understood and defined it as the same meaning.

Renaissance Age usage in English 

Since, Joseph Smith Jr. And the Book of Mormon was not yet introduce during this period. We can clearly conclude that Joseph knows this kind of word play during his days. But here's how the Dictionary diffination shows that this word already exist and used during Renaissance Period and it is common in their time.

In Merriam Webster give the historical background of the word that make sense during Joseph Smith's time.

The same word was used during 15th century and obviously it was used with reverence. See History and Etymology above.

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