Karma is Real in Biblical Account. - Part 1

These were the worst Karma Collection in the scriptures that I'd remember how it seems realistic in our days,. So here it is and hope I could remember some of it to add to the list, or maybe you could suggest some. Some Spoilers, it's not necessarily Karma but there might be the outcome consequences of disobedience. It would take longer since I need to check out some of its references. so far, here's the part one. Enjoy

Adam and Eve: First on our list, actually I didn't count it as Karma at all but might be a lesson for us to understand that every action costs equal consequences. Anyway, They ate the forbidden fruit and were expelled from the Garden of Eden, causing sin to enter the world (Genesis 3).

Cain: After murdering his brother Abel, Cain was cursed and became a wanderer. This was known to be the first Unforgivable Sin that happened in the Old Testament where sins of Pride, Greed, Jealousness and some others could cost a life if left uncontrolled. (Genesis 4).

Pharaoh: His refusal to let the Israelites go led to the plagues in Egypt. The Last Plague actually has a significant symbol of Christ as a Firstborn and his life will be taken as a sacrifice to free us from the bondage of Sin and death, which also happened during Moses' days as Pharaoh freed Israel from bondage in Egypt (Exodus 7-12).

Saul: King Saul disobeyed God's commands, leading to his eventual downfall and loss of the kingdom (1 Samuel 15). King Saul: Beyond previous mentions, his visit to the witch of Endor further exemplified his fall, leading to his defeat and death (1 Samuel 28).

Jezebel: Known for her wickedness, especially in promoting the worship of Baal, she faced a gruesome death (2 Kings 9).

Judas Iscariot: Betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver and later took his own life. We sometimes misunderstand him as the most villain of the Twelve Apostles but looking up the whole side of the story shows that he repented of his wrongdoings which ended his life for such mistake he had made. But yes, sometimes it's an example of consequences that might end your life.(Matthew 26:14-16; 27:3-5).

Ananias and Sapphira: This couple lied about their donation to the early Church and faced immediate consequences. I often use this example of covering up sins that will end up in huge trouble. Their mistakes or sins took their lives and perhaps tormented their souls in misusing the Lord's sacred property or funds (Acts 5:1-11).

Lot's Wife: She looked back at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and was turned into a pillar of salt. This happens as a result of disobedience or she doesn't want to leave her worldly life (Genesis 19:26).