What We Are Learning and Will Never Forget

Some of the Messages that was collected from April 2021 General Conference.

From a Conference Message
APRIL 2021

An Excerpt from his talks -
  • If you look at your life prayerfully, I believe you will see many ways in which the Lord has been guiding you through this time of hardship.
  • Difficult trials often provide opportunities to grow that would not have come in any other way.
  • If you know of anyone who is alone, reach out—even if you feel alone too! You do not need to have a reason or a message or business to transact. Just say hello and show your love. Technology can help you. Pandemic or not, each precious child of God needs to know that he or she is not alone!
  • Discipline yourself to have time alone and with your loved ones. Open your heart to God in prayer. Take time to immerse yourself in the scriptures and worship in the temple.
  • The future is bright for God’s covenant-keeping people. The Lord will increasingly call upon His servants who worthily hold the priesthood to bless, comfort, and strengthen mankind and to help prepare the world and its people for His Second Coming.


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