Part 1 - Neil Andi Anderson: Responding False Claim

“Do not let arrogance go to your head and despair to your heart;
do not let compliments go to your head and criticisms to your heart;
do not let success go to your head and failure to your heart.”
– Roy T. Bennett

Alright, I will answer you straight, and let's try to understand the certain points of your claim and compare them biblical.

Jerry Nuñez Bustillo Jerry boy, di mo kasi alam kung ano ang nangyari sa unang Iglesia ni Cristo, Wrong Assumption, I do know the history of Apostasy and how the church will be restored in the last days. Paul clearly says that and here I gave you example.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Do you think I didn't know that Neil? Your rudeness leads you to your arrogant and it seems you need a better life. siguro naduling ka dahil sa aral ni Junjun Smith. Surely no sir and don't add your arrogance here, if you think you can control me on your bigotry, try it a little bit harder. Matagal na itong ipinangaral ng INC ang pagtatalikod sa unang Iglesia at kung saliksikin man natin itong mabuti mismo ang mga autoridad Katoliko ang magpapatunay sa pamamagitan ng history of the early father of the Catholic Church. Too, lame Catholic Church could never trace there authority and if they do have, this will prove that INC were just an impostor who disguise in sheep clothing. You can't just include catholic without a proper authority tracing, it will end up your church is false who just branches on the same source. Huwag mong isipin na lumitaw na iyong mormon niyo na ayon sa inyo ay isinulat noong 600 na taon bago lumitaw ang Iglesia sa Jerusalem. We never told that story, and we never claim we are ahead of Christ Church, but rather the church and the gospel was restored through his servants the prophets. This too much assumption seem ignorant to the truth. You simply cant proclaim the truth because of your arrogance. Itatak mo sa isip mo iyan ay isang fiction sa mga taong walang magawa sa buhay. Have you think that same question lately Neil? Have you ever think that Manalo was just a con man tricked you in his own understanding about his own knowledge on scriptures without any guidance from heaven? Your too childish to suggest something youd never done. Itatak mo sa utak mo bago natapos ang bagong testamento kay Cristo ay hindi umabot ng isang daang taon. This prove that you don't know a thing. You talk about apostasy but you never knew how long it take before it was restored. After the prophets and Apostles died because of persecutions what happens next to it? Your ideology about Apostasy is not deep enough to know the entire truth and yet you claim you know such thing. Just as I said, you're arrogant to know the truth. Ill give you a short information from wiki to know more about apostasy. Be sure to read and understand it Paano pa kaya itong si Junjun noong 1800 na may kodego na siya sa pag-gawa sa nitong imbentong libro niya.  Empty Accusation, this truly tells us that INC are good at lying, they just lie just to lead and brainwash people away from the truth and he think I didn't know such thing. Here's a short video to your lying and deceiving if it is true. Check all of it to make sure your know such thing before posting a lie.

If you think you had the truth, then give some sources rather posting lies that didn't even too close to an actual event. Kaya madali niyang magawa ito. (If you think so, then where's your source? EMPTY right?) Kaya makilala natin ang kanyang sinasabi na itoy mula lamang sa kanyang pag-iisip dahil ang bibliya din ang magtutuklas na siyay sa diyablo, Balikan natin kung ano ang nangyari sa iglesia ni Cristo at ito bay may panukala na mula ng mga apostoles. Ito ang sinabi ni apostol Pablo:, Okay, so let's go and compare your understanding scriptural to scriptural and see if you have the truth.

 ..................................................................................................................................................."Huwag kayong padaya kanino man sa anomang paraan: sapagka't ito'y hindi darating, maliban nang dumating ang pagtatalikod, at mahayag ang taong makasalanan, ang anak ng kapahamakan" (2Tes.2:3) Ano po ang babala ni Apostol Pablo? Di pa dumating ang Cristo may darating una ang pagtatalikod sa iglesia ni Cristo. Yeah I know, I already posted that, but the thing is you don't know how the apostasy happen, just simply copy and paste source from your very own INC Media. Nothing more nothing less. Kaya hindi totoo sa sinabi mo utoy Jerry na may iglesia ni Cristo nay itoy mula sa 33AD. Wrong! First of All, I never said anything that there was IGLESIA NI CHRISTO 33 AD, but rather I posted a picture comparing Church of Christ and INC of which church was true since Job Bautista's stupid study claim the true church carries it's name. So I give the Church of Christ 33 AD and post a picture and compare it. But what happens next was that this arrogant seems to think that I claim it, rather trying to brought a question as to which is which should I join. See how arrogant you are Neil? Second of All, Christ already Build his church and it was never about the name church game, Christ never said anything about the only church name Christian should use or else they will be damn. But rather he gave authorities to some twelve to declare his Gospel to every Nation, Kindred and Tongue. See the difference? You're too focus on name game, but never realized how true Manalo receive the authority and when did God gave him that rights and revelation. I would rather believe Quiboloy's story than this INC Failure Stories. Wala na po iyon dahil ang Iglesia ni Cristo dahil itoy nahihitalikod di na natin magigisnan iyon kundi Iglesia Katolika. Kaya ang propesiya ni Apostol Pablo ay natupad. For sure it was, and for sure INC was not involve in the prophesy. Prove me wrong. Pero may pangako ang Cristo nawala man ang kawan dahil itoy lubhang inuusig at napapasukan sa mga huwad na mangangaral. Ang pangako ay nanatili na may ibang tupa ang Panginoon na di kasali sa kawan noong unang siglo na sabi niya dadalhin din niya ito “At mayroon pa akong ibang mga tupa, na hindi sa kulungang ito: sila'y kailangan din ... Samakatuwid, ang kawan ay ang Iglesia Ni Cristo. (Juan10:16) Wrong! Christ did never tell such story as the fulfillment of the INC in the Philippines. Things you should know first before going to this story. First, the Gospel was never yet introduce to the Gentile nation during Christ proclamation. Christ even disregard preaching to the nation those time. See for example his instruction to the twelve in preaching the Gospel during their time

Matthew 10:5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:
6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

which means during Christ ministry, the gospel was not yet instructed and introduced to the gentile nation not until after his death in which the instruction were given to preach to the nation or to gentile, and Philippines is a gentile nation and more accurately during those times Philippine doesn't have any Christianity background. So the question here.
  • Why are you INC people, deceived this kind of information to someone who were weak to realized the truth was covered by your lying?
  • How long you people keep that kind of scheme?
And second, He meant about the other sheep not his fold. The other sheep simply mean people who already believe in him but unfortunately not in Jerusalem. Yes, Philippines is not in Jerusalem, but do they already know during Christ Proclamation. There are other Lost Sheep of the House of Israel as Christ said earlier and Philippines is not in the House of Israel but a Gentile nation. See how you people understand the scripture differently and lying to some people who never knew about the scriptures. This is so devilish and a self-proclaim practices of a cult claiming they are the one's who were prophesied by simply twisting the truth.

Ito din ang kawan na tinubos ni Cristo sa pamamagitan ng kanyang dugo. Fail! Don't even think of anything that you can't trace your authority from heaven. You people are stuck to your bigotry. Don't fool on me and tell me I knew nothing of your teachings. And please, stop doing that Arrogant name calling. You're too old enough to act too childish. Kaya utoy Jerry di po magbabago ang pangalan mananatili itong Iglesia ni Cristo. Fail! it's not about Church Name Game it is all about authority, you people can't trace your authority from God, not even Felix Manalo can tell you his side of story that God talks to him and directed him about the truth. So, if you think it was about names, you keep your business name to somewhere else, it has nothing to do about Christianity. Kaya sabi ko sa iyo na ito ang ikatlong bahagi sa kawan na itinayo ni Cristo. There is no such thing as Third Part as the Philippines, the third part was mentioned in the bible were no other than the remnant of the house of Judah. You people are slicing the same Brand of Cake and claim it is of the other brand and deceive someone to eat it. No, not me and if you want to prove me about it. just bring it on and I will show you how wrong your understanding about the scriptures. Ang aral o ebanghelyo ay walang pagbabago, di po totoo na pwede bagohin ang aral dahil ang sugo sa 1800 ay isang manyakis at dapat pagbigyan ng kanilang Diyos. And see how arrogant you are, making a claim without anything to prove is so arrogant and will just divert it just to have the bright side in you. Too weak Neil and you'll never learn. Stop acting like you know such thing and claim you belong to some certain group when you're not. Your lying won't work. Walang katotohanan iyan utoy Jerry. Really, and where do you think I could find it? In INC? Sorry, Try Again. Uulitin ko po ang INC na mula sa 1914 ay tinubos din sa pamamagitan ng dugo ng ating Panginoong Jesus. (Act20:28) Every Church can claim that, not just INC 1914 and in fact you Messenger Felix Manalo did not even declare he has that authority to preach that the only church was redeemed was the INC. He can't prove that, he can't even prove he has revelation receive from heaven to declare such thing. So much of a false Messenger. Di po kasali ang mormon dito dahil exclusive lang ito sa INC. How Childish, and How many Churches in General agree to that childish claim. You are too naive and will never learn anything from the scriptures with bigotry. The only thing you can do to let go of that INC cult doctrine is to center your study on the scriptures and stop referencing it to your Man made doctrine. You will never learn to embrace the truth with that kind of attitude.


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