
A million thanks to God
That I live full of beauty and pride.
I earned talents and friends,
And wisdom that never end.

My life is full of shame all over I gain.
Every mistakes penetrates the soul and mark its stain.
I never realize how sinful I'd been
Honesty and truth that can't be seen.

And on that day as death's approaching.
I ask my God to let me live again.
To complete my work, yet I'm not doing.
Still He let me live hoping for something.

I always ask my God on that day I die.
That the sting will ease its pain
And in death where I could smile.
Perhaps it lead and open everyone's mind.
That death is portal to reality that leave our dreams behind.

If God won't let me go inside
In heaven where everyone's pride.
So in heaven where every soul watch,
And in hell where I suffer much.

And in return it is a lesson to all,
Nobody is perfect but not a fool.
I leave my honest testimony to it
You all feel and you never forget.

Guide your family, teach and preach
Not as gentle for they leave your speech.
Be wise and keep all instructions,
For all will look and find faults on your actions.

Don't be mad as the truth hurts your ego,
This will give you freedom and lets you go.
Protect your body, feed your soul
Have faith and guide them all.

I will leave this simple truth to all,
Hoping this will ends up to something.
And if this words will fail and fall,
I bring this word intact for your feasting.

- Jerry Bustillo
From the lyrics of my Dream where I play Piano in a congregation. Some lyrics were just fragments while my dream continue to see something's that needs to be include.


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