About the General Conference

How important is General Conference?
General Conference is more than just a biannual event for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; it's a sacred opportunity for us to receive guidance, inspiration, and direction from our Church leaders.

The voice of the servants it is the same.
First and foremost, General Conference is a chance for us to hear the voice of the Lord through His chosen prophets and apostles. In Doctrine and Covenants 1:38, the Lord says, "What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." By listening to General Conference, we are following the Lord's counsel to heed His servants as if He were speaking directly to us. 

Spiritual Nourishments and Personal Revelations.
Secondly, General Conference provides spiritual nourishment and personal revelation. As we listen to the talks, we can feel the Spirit confirming truths to our hearts and minds. It’s a time when we can receive answers to our personal prayers and concerns. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf once said, "General Conference is an opportunity to receive personal revelation as living prophets give counsel and direction." By humbling ourselves and coming prepared with questions, we open the door for the Spirit to teach and guide us.

Another key aspect of General Conference is the unity it brings among members. No matter where we are in the world, we come together as one body of Saints, listening to the same messages and feeling the same Spirit. This shared experience strengthens our unity and reinforces our collective commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Modern Challenges
Moreover, the teachings from General Conference help us navigate the complexities of our modern world. The counsel given by our leaders is timely and relevant, addressing the challenges we face today. For example, President Nelson’s emphasis on peacemaking in April 2023 reminded us of the importance of fostering love and understanding in a world often filled with tension and strife. Such guidance helps us live more Christlike lives and be better disciples of the Savior.

Spiritual Progression and evaluation.
Finally, General Conference serves as a spiritual checkpoint. It provides us with regular opportunities to evaluate our spiritual progress, make necessary course corrections, and recommit to living the gospel. President Nelson once said, "We take seriously the Lord’s mandate to teach his doctrine and to warn his people." General Conference reminds us of our covenants and helps us stay on the path of righteousness.

General Conference is a vital part of our spiritual lives. It is a time to hear the Lord’s voice, receive personal revelation, unite as a Church, navigate modern challenges, and recommit to the gospel. Let us approach each General Conference with an open heart and a desire to learn. As we do so, we will be blessed with greater understanding, peace, and the strength to endure faithfully.

Thank you and have a nice day.
- Jerry Nuñez Bustillo

God cannot be Mocked. By Jerry Nuñez Bustillo

Let it be known, God unseen yet near,
His ways beyond what we hold dear,
Salvation presumed for all to claim,
Yet the message misunderstood, the same.
Life perceived as easy, filled with glee,
Blind to depths beyond what we see,
In graves, forgotten faces lie,
But God remembers every lost soul's cry.
A lesson for all, a truth to heed,
God's plans beyond our mortal greed,
Choices made, consequences in tow,
God's will prevails, in ways we may not know.
No mocking the divine, no control to claim,
For God's work transcends our earthly frame,
In humble surrender, His will be done,
In faith, in trust, our journey begun.

- Jerry Nuñez Bustillo

I'll Find You My Friend" by Jerry N. Bustillo

Embark on a profound musical voyage with Jerry N. Bustillo's arrangement of "I'll Find You My Friend," meticulously crafted for the missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This soul-stirring composition resonates with the divine call to seek out and guide God's lost sheep back to His loving embrace.
Visit this blog from time to time, to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of this musical creation. Discover the story behind the arrangement, the creative process that brought it to life, and the profound impact it has on the hearts and minds of LDS missionaries. Gain insights into the spiritual significance of the music, as it echoes the eternal call to serve, love, and uplift those in need.
Thanks for visiting and enjoy your music.
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For YouTube music check out the embedded video below -

A Short Days of Faded Love

In the realm of poetic delight,
Monday, the first day, in sight,
I met you, a spark so bright,
Captivated, my heart took flight.
And now, as Tuesday's light beams,
Closer to you, in love's dreams,
Charming as the sun's warm gleams,
My heart echoes joyous streams.
Wednesday, love's tale unfurled,
In your sweet "yes," a precious world,
Achievements in love, flags unfurled,
In your embrace, my heart twirled.
Thursday, witness in the sky,
Love's vow, never to die,
Heaven's gaze, a gentle sigh,
In eternal love, we lie.
Friday's stroll, in Zambales' grace,
A kiss shared, a tender embrace,
Surrendered to love's gentle pace,
In your arms, a sacred place.
Saturday's song, our souls entwine,
Thirsty hearts, in love divine,
Together, in harmony's line,
True love's bond, forever mine.
Sunday's tears, a bitter rain,
You left, love's bittersweet pain,
A week of love, now in vain,
In memories, love's refrain.

"The Music Box Dancer" by Frank Mills arranged by Jerry N. Bustillo

"The Music Box Dancer" by Frank Mills arranged by Jerry N. Bustillo. This classic instrumental piece was written and recorded by Canadian musician Frank Mills in the 1970s. It features an arpeggiated piano melody that mimics the sound of a music box. The song gained popularity after being released as a B-side track on a single and unexpectedly became a hit, reaching #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts.
Jerry N. Bustillo has created arrangements for this iconic tune, and you can watch his versions on YouTube. In the video, you can see the intricate details of the arrangement. While some lines may appear challenging to play, it's a rewarding experience to delve into this beautiful composition and showcase your musical talent.
For further insights on playing and practicing this arrangement, you can refer to the YouTube videos showcasing Jerry N. Bustillo's arrangements of "The Music Box Dancer." These performances can offer valuable guidance on mastering the composition and honing your musical skills.

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For the YouTube Music Video watch it below or click on the link to go directly to YouTube App.

Echoes of the Past by Jerry N. Bustillo

Gazing back, I reminisce,
Days of courtship, pure and bliss,
Recollections flood my mind,
The remnants you left behind.

Wasn't our love a grand affair,
Unmatched, beyond compare?
Each moment a sweet retreat,
Feelings melodious, replete.

Once we pledged, no force could sever,
Love enduring, lasting ever,
Even death's cold grip, in vain,
Our bond steadfast, free from stain.

Oh, my muse, your love's facade,
Strong exterior, inside flawed,
In love's sea, you met your end,
Shore beyond, no hand to lend.

Gazing back, I reminisce,
Days of courtship, love's embrace,
Recollections flood my mind,
The remnants you left behind.

Concern about Cross

Why don't Latter-day Saints use the cross?

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) typically do not use the cross as a religious symbol. The primary reason is that Latter-day Saints prefer to focus on the Living Christ—His resurrection and His life, rather than on His death. The emphasis is more on the joy and hope that come from His victory over death and sin, as well as the overall teachings and miracles of His life. Additionally, there is a desire to have distinctive religious symbols and practices within the LDS culture, such as images of Christ, temples, and the CTR (Choose The Right) shield.

Are there any biblical verses that say not to use crosses?

There is not a specific verse in the Bible that directly tells Christians not to use the cross as a symbol of worship or remembrance. The preference of Latter-day Saints to focus on symbols other than the cross is more about the cultural and doctrinal emphasis of the Church rather than a directive from scripture. The teachings in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints emphasize the living Christ, His resurrection, and the fruits of His Atonement.

Is it okay to use a cross in the chapel or wear it?

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it is not common to see crosses in chapels or for members to wear crosses as jewelry. This practice is tied to the cultural and doctrinal emphasis within the church, which focuses on the living Christ and His resurrection rather than His crucifixion. While there isn't a rule strictly forbidding the use of crosses, the choice to wear symbolic jewelry like a cross is a personal decision.

Does the church have specific instructions in Handbooks about the cross?

As of the current General Handbooks, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not provide specific instructions or policies regarding the use of the cross in decoration of church buildings or by members in their personal attire, like wearing cross jewelry. The approach to not prominently use the cross in chapels or as a personal emblem reflects more of a cultural and traditional preference within the Church.

So, is using a cross fine?

While it's not against church teachings to wear a cross, it's not a common practice among Latter-day Saints and its culture. The focus is more on the life, teachings, and resurrection of Jesus Christ rather than the cross itself or his death. As Gordon B. Hinckley stated, "The lives of our people must become the only meaningful expression of our faith and, in fact, therefore, the symbol of our worship."


Responses to Jose Magadia

Jose Magadia is seen as more respectful than other critics in the Iglesia Ni Kristo group who say they know a lot about studying the Bible. He often uses ideas from sources he gathered for his presentation. Even though he sometimes doesn't fully understood the Scriptural teachings, he presents them in a clear and polished way. He likes to inspire readers to learn from his writing. However, this learning is often missing because he only looks at the surface of the story without understanding the whole picture. Compared to other critics in the Iglesia Ni Kristo group who pretend to be experts in studying the scripture (specifically the Bible), Jose Magadia's way of discussing things is more constructive. Despite his efforts to make strong points, readers often don't fully grasp the true meaning of the Bible because of the shallow way he looks at the context. Jose Magadia's way of presenting information might seem helpful at first, but sometimes the real message of the scriptures were not fully understood, leading to a simple understanding of what it's trying to say.

Below were the collected presentation that he opened up and was debunked for sometimes as I made rebuttals to his statement. And so far, he make it more meaningful and healthy than the rest of the Iglesia ni Christo I'd known so far.

Responses to Neil Andi Anderson

About the critic:

Neil Andi Anderson, a pseudonym for the individual in question, is renowned for his adeptness in deceit and manipulation, particularly in promoting his own biased viewpoints. Regarded as a skilled critic, he often resorts to personal attacks and rudeness in his interactions. In contrast to Job Bautista, Neil Andi Anderson lacks proficiency in discussing scripture insights and terminologies, displaying below-average knowledge in these areas. One of his deceptive tactics involves falsely claiming affiliation with the LDS church in the 1980s, a claim that unravels under scrutiny due to inconsistencies and contradictions in his understanding of LDS teachings, suggesting that his assertions are fabricated.
Neil Andi Anderson's conversational style is characterized by cunning strategies aimed at persuading others through fallacious reasoning. His approach often involves initiating discussions with personal attacks, ad hominem arguments, tu quoque fallacies, and strawman tactics. These manipulative techniques serve to deflect attention from his own shortcomings in engaging in meaningful conversations and exchanging doctrinal ideas effectively. Engaging with him proves to be a fruitless endeavor for individuals seeking enriching dialogues and doctrinal exchanges, given his ineptitude in these areas.
Throughout interactions with Neil Andi Anderson, it becomes evident that his contributions to conversations are marred by a lack of authenticity and depth. His tendency to mimic knowledge from Evangelicals without a genuine understanding of its origins or context further underscores his superficial engagement with complex topics. The responses gathered from these exchanges highlight the futility of engaging with someone who prioritizes deception and manipulation over genuine dialogue and intellectual exchange.
In summary, Neil Andi Anderson's reputation as a skilled liar and manipulator, coupled with his deficiencies in engaging meaningfully on doctrinal matters, positions him as a hindrance to constructive conversations and exchanges of ideas. His reliance on deceptive tactics and fallacious arguments detracts from the quality of discourse and undermines the pursuit of genuine understanding and intellectual growth in interactions with him.

Below were the links that I gathered and see for yourself how this detailed information suites his characteristics -

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