Concern about Cross

Why don't Latter-day Saints use the cross?

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) typically do not use the cross as a religious symbol. The primary reason is that Latter-day Saints prefer to focus on the Living Christ—His resurrection and His life, rather than on His death. The emphasis is more on the joy and hope that come from His victory over death and sin, as well as the overall teachings and miracles of His life. Additionally, there is a desire to have distinctive religious symbols and practices within the LDS culture, such as images of Christ, temples, and the CTR (Choose The Right) shield.

Are there any biblical verses that say not to use crosses?

There is not a specific verse in the Bible that directly tells Christians not to use the cross as a symbol of worship or remembrance. The preference of Latter-day Saints to focus on symbols other than the cross is more about the cultural and doctrinal emphasis of the Church rather than a directive from scripture. The teachings in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints emphasize the living Christ, His resurrection, and the fruits of His Atonement.

Is it okay to use a cross in the chapel or wear it?

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it is not common to see crosses in chapels or for members to wear crosses as jewelry. This practice is tied to the cultural and doctrinal emphasis within the church, which focuses on the living Christ and His resurrection rather than His crucifixion. While there isn't a rule strictly forbidding the use of crosses, the choice to wear symbolic jewelry like a cross is a personal decision.

Does the church have specific instructions in Handbooks about the cross?

As of the current General Handbooks, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not provide specific instructions or policies regarding the use of the cross in decoration of church buildings or by members in their personal attire, like wearing cross jewelry. The approach to not prominently use the cross in chapels or as a personal emblem reflects more of a cultural and traditional preference within the Church.

So, is using a cross fine?

While it's not against church teachings to wear a cross, it's not a common practice among Latter-day Saints and its culture. The focus is more on the life, teachings, and resurrection of Jesus Christ rather than the cross itself or his death. As Gordon B. Hinckley stated, "The lives of our people must become the only meaningful expression of our faith and, in fact, therefore, the symbol of our worship."



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