Never Give Up an Opportunity to Testify of Christ

From General Conference Message, April 2023

This day April 16, 2023. My wife was one of the speakers during our Sacrament Program in Bulawen Branch, and her assigment was all about a conference talk from Sister Bonnie H. Cordon. She did it so well and made a good relevant story from her Past Experience.

I couldn't write some of that her, so I just keep some parts where she quote a conference Message. That says -

"... don’t let the world overtake you! Stay true to your covenants with the Savior. Seek to experience His blessings every day, and be able to testify through the Holy Ghost of His power and presence in your life!"
"Our closeness to Christ grows through worshipping frequently in the temple, repenting daily, studying scriptures, attending church and seminary, pondering our patriarchal blessings, worthily receiving ordinances, and honoring sacred covenants. All of these invite the Spirit to enlighten our minds, and they bring added peace and protection. But do we honor them as sacred opportunities to testify of Christ?"

These were some of the nice words that I collected and perhaps a guild for salvation.


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