Job Bautista: Information Mislead his Understanding - Part 1

This classic criticism from a Friend who was a member of a filipino church called INC, were he were so proud about it. He made a criticism of something he knew from a selected source, or we simply call it from his cheery-picked ideology. Let's see what we can find helpful and to think this was a doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ. Alright so the screen shot below was his comments and I'll make a response after it -

From a facebook Post where he deleted my comments.
He even accuse me deleting his comments,
while I don't have even an access of his personal comments section, where

Okay so let's make a response of his study where he think this was the church they invented or as they claimed to be that Christ stablish in Philippines. Let's see about that. Ok, so here he quoted John 14:16 where Jesus Christ proclaim to his disciples about the other sheep that he had. But actually it was in John 10:16, he actually fail to quote the right verse, but it's okay, we understand it. So here's what he meant -

John 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

Alright Job Bautista, let's deal with it since you didn't read the last article that I brought to you and to your Friend Neil Andi Anderson the last time about this topic (See Here!). Or maybe you don't know how to respond my article about that subject.

So here's the thing and pay attention Job Bautista, and if you understand Biblical terms, the word Sheep describe to those people who follow and knows Christ or in simple term, the believers. And this believers knows his doctrine or teaching, that means this group of unknown people already knows Christ. If you look closely to the Phrase "Other Sheep I have" didn't said anything on the future or the past, but rather he said it in Present Tense. Here's the Greek Text to see how it was said -

καὶ ἄλλα πρόβατα ἔχω ἃ οὐκ ἔστιν ἐκ τῆς αὐλῆς ταύτης· κἀκεῖνα δεῖ με ἀγαγεῖν, καὶ τῆς φωνῆς μου ἀκούσουσιν, καὶ γενήσεται μία ποίμνη, εἷς ποιμήν. - John 10:16 Nestle 1904

The word "ἔχω" or "echō" which simply means "I have" in English shows that it is a Verb of Present Indicative Active for a 1st Person Singular. And it suggests that this group of people already existed not in the future. This simply means that this people like John the Baptist, who already exist before Christ made his Ministry. They already knew him and hope to see him in some time as it permits. So, and directly speaking, this is not the Filipino people who has their first conversation soon after they knew Felix Manalo and the Iglesia ni Cristo. That doesn't make sense and that's not even Biblical.

And regarding you arrogant comments about the Church in America, well perhaps we could make a good arrangement to that since it take a lot of matter to be discuss in a single sittings. So I'll link here after I made my commentaries.

And moving forward to your next comment which you arrogantly said about the Church apostles and calling it a cult. I could say nice work on that Christian teachings of INC provoking and arrogance. Here's the good part that you need to know before you post your ignorant about Church History. Here's the list of the chosen twelve and see where you can find Oliver on the list -

The Calling of the Restoration's Original Apostles

Also, Oliver Cowdery was excommunicated for a reason and it's not my problem if your ignorant or to slow to comprehend. I already told you to do some research before doing some copy paste program. Also, where did you get that idea of 22 apostle's, possibly your INC minister who spread gossip on you is unlearned. Ask your minister to keep on studying first before manipulating you and your INC members.

The Foundation, you're not even sure how the scripture said about the foundation of Church. Ephesians 2:20, says this -

And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;

So, who do you think had it Job Bautista? Does your INC Church follows the biblical standards and requirements to be called as a "TRUE CHURCH" as you claim?

Oh, yes I would love to use that last Scripture you used, and ask you the same good question about it. Who do you think fulfilled the Church of Christ that follow Standards of early Church that Christ built? How can you claim true church without any line of authority, and follow the same standards to organized a religion with Prophets and apostles and etc. as Christ organized.


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