
Warrior as they call me,
without an arm, without a shield,
But fighting in life's hardships
with wounds that never yield.

"They destroy my ambition,
they destroy my personality,"
But they can't destroy my soul,
who fights with integrity.

Be strong and of a good courage,
the Lord's gentle plea,
"Fear not, nor be afraid,
for I am with thee."

In the furnace of affliction,
where the heat does rise,
My soul stands firm,
under celestial skies.

There's always struggles,
there's always pain,
But a fight for a cause
is greater than gain.

"Endure hardness as a good soldier"
rings true,
With virtue as our armor,
we'll see it through.

Without the spirit of a warrior,
each fight fails,
Yet with God's strength,
we set our sails.

"They that wait upon the Lord
shall renew their strength,"
Mounting up with wings,
we go to any length.

I struggle,
often faint with too much woe,
But hope for the fight
calls me to grow.

"I have fought a good fight,
I have finished my course,"
In faith, I stand tall,
a warrior, my source

Scriptural sources that was gathered -
  • Joshua 1:9
  • 2 Timothy 2:3
  • Isaiah 48:10
  • Isaiah 40:31
  • 2 Timothy 4:7


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