Joseph Smith Molestation Issue: by Eliza Lino Abaya the Cunning Artist of INC

INC cunning ways to shift the subject, the Art of Deception were they use their skills just to prevent the right history and to avoid issues that could lead them to question their faith. Overall, they are experts in this field of cunning ways. But let's take a look some of it and address this issue to satisfy their demands.

From a Comments
She probably a boy or maybe a troll. To think she's a girl possibly too young to learn the Art of Lying, but she's expert on it. Anyway, she said in her comments was:




Yes, it is true Christ is the Prince of Peace as Isaiah stated in 9th chapter of 6th verse which said -
6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
So, basically Christ as per INC goes, was the same person being prophesied by Isaiah and which indeed not just the Prince of Peace, but the Mighty God of Peace. This passage was also quote by Nephi who understood the message of Isaiah in the upcoming even of his life. (see Nephi 19:6)

Now while we have established that this Christ is the Mighty God of Peace, we can clearly understand that this was the same being who called up Holy Men during the times of the Prophet. If so, then it was the same being who allows the same Polygamy that was ever introduced by the prophet. Now there goes the question. Why would a God of Peace allowed this kind of Practices which confused the understanding of the mind of the People? Why would He break his own words which simply distracts the teachings of Marriage? I don't know, perhaps He has planned on something of their generations or maybe he wants those prophets to be responsible in their paternal calling. We don't know, it was already been stablished even in the days of old to marry a wife (singular) which even in the days of Adam (Genesis 2:24). While this kind of Practices is not actually explained much in the scriptures, it is safe to say that God ordained it.

If you want to go dive deeper on this subject which I had covered some of it in this blog, just go ahead and use the search box to explore I will make a new Post to link up some of those subject.

Going back to the issue, was it the very reason why Joseph Smith was killed because he molested women?

First of all, defining Molestation or sexual abuse is different that a sexual relationship with someone whom you love. This may sound awkward in discussing private matter to an open religious discussion, but let's face it, God given us Genders and Sex for his very own purpose. Though it is unusual to discuss such sensitive matter, but for the sake of the issue we will give the very best we can to addressed it. Anyway, to answer it straight, there's no record of any Molestation happened during Joseph's days. There may be Sexual intercourse or relationship, but too far for such thing as Libido. If Joseph Smith was a Libido, rest assure he couldn't lead the church in a short period of time, or before he was killed and most of the time being hunted down.

Also, Joseph Smith was killed on June 27, 1844, at Carthage Jail in Carthage, Illinois. He and his brother Hyrum were awaiting trial on charges related to the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor printing press. The Nauvoo Expositor was a newspaper that had published a single edition which included criticisms of Joseph Smith and allegations of his practice of polygamy, among other accusations. This event escalated tensions between Latter-day Saints and some Illinois residents, leading to their deaths by an armed mob.

Joseph Smith did practice plural marriage, as directed by what he reported as revelation from God. The practice was controversial then, as it is now, and contributed to the tensions and opposition he faced. However, his death was the result of a complex mix of religious, political, and social conflicts of the time, rather than the accusation mentioned by our INC friend Eliza Lino Abaya.

If you're not impressed let's go ahead to a historical account of Joseph Smith so we could gather information of a report of molestation.
  • For insights into polygamy during Joseph Smith’s era, you can explore the article “Polygamy (Joseph Smith Era)
  • And for those contemplating the concept of polygamy in eternity, the article “Polygamy in Eternity” here could provide some perspective.

My short Response of his senseless comments.
This topic is not actually a big issue for me since we are not in Joseph Smith Time, Polygamy were not allowed as the Manifesto goes, and we believe in Continuous Revelation. But people seems affected to history where they never think those days people has different social understanding and standards. Instead of going through critical thinking, this kind of people simply goes on to their ideology without self mastery and logic and goes on to their  criticisms that they don't even know the whole context.

The Only solution to your problem Eliza Lino Abaya, is to know the history first before making things up.

Her Conclusion

As I can see that, haven't you look at yourself on the mirror?

Christ never opened up a topic such as Polygamy or whatsoever during those days, but since we have established the Christ in the Old days, he knows the reason why was it all about. And possibly he was the same being who ordained it. Thank you for opening up Isaiah 9:6 for me.

In conclusion, as Eliza Lino Abaya tries to make a good point in dismissing the LDS teachings, but she failed in her own cunning ways, and possibly she was brainwashed by some of her Ministers so she could no longer dive deeper on the subject but rather make a direct conclusion she never knew. She never has any idea of how and what the exact history goes, but rather made up her own interpretations that it is wrong and Joseph Smith was a Libido or Sexually Predator were they mostly use to control the discussion and avoid answering the questions of their belief and ideology. This was already proven on our previous conversation with Eliza Lino Abaya. Have a nice day.

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