Prophets Can See Around Corners - by Sheri Dew

One of the interesting videos I found from BYU speeches, which helps me a lot in understanding the importance of Prophets in our days.

See the video below or play in YouTube.

In one of the Group post, Bob Aillery posted this information which caught my attention. He says this - 

Sheri Dew tells of a conversation that an LDS mission president had with all of his missionaries. 

He asked them which commandment they thought they would have the most trouble keeping. 

The overwhelming majority of them said that commandment would be the law of Chastity.

He told them, however, "mark my words. The most difficult commandment for you to keep in the days ahead will be following the prophet. 

Your testimony of prophets will almost certainly be challenged at some point in your life. 

Please remember how often the spirit has borne witness to you as you have testified of the prophet Joseph Smith and of the living prophets. 

One of Satan's greatest lies is that prophets are just ordinary men and are not to be believed. Don't fall for that lie."

I add this question to make it a good discussion -

  • Are prophets fallible or infallible? 


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