We'll missed you, Little kitty

A kitten that was found by my Son Jasher and he don't want to abandon the kitten die in cold and hunger. My wife actually hate kitten but our children wants it to leave and feel protected. I don't know what will happen to the kitten since we don't know how to takes care of it. We don't even know what kind of milk or food that we should give.

My wife got no choice, so we decided to take care of it. My impression actually was it won't survive, because we don't know it's food and it need a mother in it's side to take good care of the kitten. But we still hope it survive at least we have tried every possible way to help the kitten.

While I'm working, my wife calls and said that the kitten seems weak and said that there were some commotions in it's stomach, and also it rarely drink the milk. My thought is now clear that it won't survive that long. My heart was so sad, we did the very best, but it's too late. Later that day, I called them asking how it was. My wife said it passed away and they bury it near our house. My daughter Saraijah mourn for the loss of their cat, but his brother Jasher said, it's okay at least we did our part to take care of the kitten.

My Wife, feeding the Kitten.

This may be a small act of kindness and love though a little time we held the kitten in our ow ln hands to warm it. But the memories were clear, the voice of its cry still echo's in my mind as if it says “you did your part Im gonna missed you.”

That's how life goes, we will missed someone and we mourn but it's all okay as we did our part to be with them. It may not be perfect, but it remains a good memory in showing our love.


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