Iba Philippines Stake Conference: Sunday Session

Iba Philippines Stake Conference. 
Scheduled on March 25-26, 2023

Sunday, March 26, 2023, and the last part of the Conference where I arrived around 8 am for choir practice.

We had a quick practice for a choir at 10 am. It's kind of frustrating, but I was given the strength to go on. I'll be conducting the choir and hope this goes well.

Me at the Piano.
While waiting for the others. 

The Stake Center with President Torio (Stake President) and his Family.
He leads the cleaning. ☺️

Moving forward as the program continues,  most of the speakers talk about the importance of Repentance, procrastination, and the importance of Tithes and Offerings. We successfully lead the singing with the choir and it's so inspiring to work and serve the Lord.

We work on these musical numbers 
  • Let Virtue Garnish thy thoughts 
  • No greater love than this 
  • I Know That My Saviour Loves Me 
Elder Espinoza of Service Missionary speaks about the importance of service and teaching mission. He quotes the part of his talk -
"It doesn't matter where you serve, what matter is how you serve."

He also quotes some parts of the Hymn titled  "The Time is Far Spent".

He added an invitation in regards to  "whatever circumstances or situation in life, do not steep away from this Church. The church is a house of safety, a refuge..."

President Colton (Mission President of the Philippines Olongapo Mission) then made his statements. He quoted Moses' time when he commanded the people to look up to the serpent when most of the people were lack of faith to follow the instructions. He made a comparison to the story of the stripling warriors and how the parents keep their covenant and by their faith, their sons' lives were spared in the battle.

President Ricardo Torio of Iba Philippines Stake made his statement as the concluding speaker. He talks most about focusing our lives on Christ. He shares some of the messages from Elder Bednar during their meetings.  He shared some experiences with his family, on how a small act could lead to a huge effect. Such a small act of unrighteousness, procrastination, breaking of covenants, or disobedience. He refers to this example with a story while they grill some meat and he asks his son to take small charcoal in a file of straws and garbage and leave it for a time. A prompt came up to get out of the house and they saw a huge fire burn almost their surroundings. The same could also lead to spiritual growth if a little amount of sin or wrongdoing that was neglected could change a great impact even in generations.

Saturday Program of Iba Stake Conference

Sunday Program of Iba Stake Conference

Photo's of choir members performing during the conference with me as the music director (in far right).

Such a beautiful people who love to use their voices to offer up to the Lord as part of their voluntary service.

Bulawen Branch Members
Attending the stake conference

Some other pictures with Branch Members.

As the sun goes down, we headed home for a rest of the day and decided to have a little more time with our children on the beach. We spent some time, I and my wife had a little talk while watching our children play and swim.

Some Shot at the Sunset.

Another shot.

That's most of the events of the day, and I have to make an End. 😁


Check out the rest of my blog post at www.bustillo-family.blogspot.com