Temple and Family History Fireside

A poster that I made as
an invitation for the
Temple and Family History Fireside.

The speakers made a good life story on how they got married in the Temple. The Rodillo Couple and the Ramos Couple the in so much struggle in their preparation but in the end, God provides a way for them to get married.

Some Presentations on How to do Indexing.
Follow this link at 

Some Instructions from our Stake Family History Consultant.

The Stake and Family History Consultant then gives training on how to do family Search Indexing. Seem so confusing at first actually, if you don't know how it goes and what to do in your spare time. But doing family research is fun actually and worth your time.

At the end, other instructions were also given such as retrieving the LDS account or Membership account. Most members weren't aware of their LDS accounts that sometimes they forgot passwords or don't even know what's inside their LDS Accounts. #1830 hotline was also an option for members to retrieve their accounts.

So much of my stories, anyway, thank you for visiting this blog.


Check out the rest of my blog post at www.bustillo-family.blogspot.com