Part 3 - Job Bautista's State as the End of the World Misinterpretation

Here another Comments that seems has nothing to do about the writtings of John but rather some even that will come during the last days. Follow the Text in Red as my Comments.

Jerry Nuñez Bustillo 

You want propagate your false church according to your BOM. Read.  I don't know if he is asking or I just want to show off something he thinks he is right and as always failed to understand the Book of Mormon or Scriptures.

1 Nephi 14: 2 And harden not their hearts against the Lamb of God, they shall be numbered among the seed of thy father; yea, they shall be numbered among the house of Israel; and they shall be a blessed people upon the promised land forever; they shall be no more brought down into captivity; and the house of Israel shall no more be confounded.

And Here goes the Scripture verse which he think something is connected to some prophecy in the Bible and that the book of Mormon just simply made a false proclamation.

False statement from BOM. I don't see any false statement but rather you are simply twisting it not minding the context.

The Apostle John will write concerning the end of the world. About 600–592 B.C.

Okay, so what was this all about? You're just confused of your own theory. 1 Nephi 14:2 has nothing to do with End of the World, but rather the conversion of the Gentile to the Gospel at the last days, and also Daniel, and Christ already made a statement about the end of the world not just John. Seems like you're running out of idea. (See Daniel 12 and Matthew 24 and Matthew 25 for the Parables) You're just copy and pasting something you don't understand and making a claim that the Chapter heading about John if false. I don't see any false about it that John will write something about the end of the world, you just over-reacting to something you don't understand.

Have you seen your problem here, you just misunderstood the writings and claim it to something else. You fail to understand the Scriptures and will continue to fail over and over.


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