A Prayer for the Afflicted Saints

A Prayer for the Afflicted Saints
Teaching of the Joseph Smith Jr.

Now hear the prayer of your unworthy brother in the new and everlasting covenant:—O my God!3 Thou who hast called and chosen a few,4 through Thy weak instrument by commandment, and sent them to Missouri, a place which Thou didst call Zion, and commanded Thy servants to consecrate5 it unto Thyself for a place of refuge and safety6 for the gathering of Thy Saints,7 to be built up a holy city unto Thyself;8 and as Thou hast said that no other place should be appointed9 like unto this, therefore, I ask Thee in the name of Jesus Christ,10 to return Thy people unto their houses and their inheritances, to enjoy the fruit of their labors;11 that all the waste places may be built up;12 that all the enemies of Thy people,13 who will not repent and turn unto Thee,14 may be destroyed from off the face of the land;15 and let a house be built and established unto Thy name;16 and let all the losses that Thy people have sustained, be rewarded unto them, even more than four-fold,17 that the borders of Zion may be enlarged forever;18 and let her be established no more to be thrown down;19 and let all Thy Saints, when they are scattered as sheep,20 and are persecuted, flee unto Zion,21 and be established in the midst of her;22 and let her be organized23 according to Thy law; and let this prayer ever be recorded before Thy face. Give Thy Holy Spirit unto my brethren,24 unto whom I write; send Thine angels to guard them,25 and deliver them from all evil;26 and when they turn their faces toward Zion, and bow down before Thee and pray, may their sins never come up before Thy face;27 neither have place in the book of Thy remembrance;28 and may they depart from all their iniquities.29 Provide food for them as Thou doest for the ravens;30 provide clothing to cover their nakedness,31 and houses that they may dwell32 therein; give unto them friends in abundance, and let their names be recorded in the Lamb’s book of life,33 eternally before Thy face.34 Amen.

Finally, brethren, the grace of our Lord35 Jesus Christ be with you all until His coming in His kingdom.36 Amen.


3. Ezra 9:6; Psalm 22:2;  Daniel 9:18; Alma 31:28
4. D&C 95:5; 121:34
5. D&C 58:57; 85:1; 124:44
6. D&C 45:66; 124:10, 109
7. D&C 57:1; 101:20, 64, 70
8. Isaiah 48:2; 52:1; 60:14; Ether 13:8; D&C 63:49; 109:58; 115:7; 133:56; Moses 7:62
9. D&C 101:20
10. Moroni 4:3 D&C 20:79; 109:4; Moses 7:50
11. D&C 6:31
12. D&C 101:75
13. Deuteronomy 33:27 Psalm 143:12; D&C 105:15
14. Helaman 13:11
15. Deuteronomy 6:15;  Amos 9:8;  Jarom 1:3, 10
16. D&C 84:5, 31; 95:13–17; 97:10, 12
17. 2 Samuel 12:6;  Luke 19:8; D&C 98:26, 44, 47; 124:71
18. Moroni 10:31
19. D&C 103:13
20. 1 Kings 22:17;  Jeremiah 50:17;  Ezekiel 34:6, 12
21. D&C 133:12
22. 3 Nephi 20:22; D&C 103:35
23. D&C 104:48
24. Luke 11:13
25. D&C 84:42, 88; 103:20; 109:22
26. Matthew 6:13
27. Psalm 51:9; 3 Nephi 9:11;  Moroni 9:15
28. D&C 85:9
29. 2 Timothy 2:19
30. Job 38:41
31. Exodus 28:42
32. Psalm 23:6; Ether 12:32
33. D&C 132:19;  Revelations 21:27
34. Psalm 41:12; Acts 2:25;  Moses 7:31
35. Romans 16:24
36. Matthew 16:28


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