Job Bautista's Reading Problem: Helaman 12:4

This is the very reason why INC never understands the Scriptures. See how Job Bautista fools himself. He's trying to assume something that doesn't have any connection with what he selectedly read.

So? What's with it?

So much of INC hilarious style of reading. I don't know what he's up to and whats his intention is. Could some INC member help him learn to understand or analyze the content and context of what he read, rather than leave him in his foolishness?
A response to his post.
He  thinks it was address in the book
itself and the book says that
it was of the devil. 🙄

Here's what it is in that chapter and to whom it was addressed.

It was address to everyone who
are quick to do evil
but slow to do good. 

Reading it further will help us understand the truth behind what context was all about as a natural man. It doesn't says about the book but rather to the people. And during those times this it was directly address to Nephites and Lamanites who engage in much battle and when they were blessed they forgot how the Lord provided them.

I added some verses of that same chapter to add more sense of the address - 

Some of the verses included
to complete the address. 

So, my simple question to this guy who supposed to know such thing but fail to recognized the truth. Are you trained that way? Did God tells you to make something stupid out of something you don't know about? Then for sure you people are not will oriented to the scriptures but rather use it to shame yourself and your INC religion.

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. - Soren Kierkegaard


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