Responding to Ang Katotohanan

Some Facebook Alias Named Ang Katotohanan posted this to his wall, and it seems like somethings need to be corrected. I would like to post it here with it's original link on Facebook -

The scripture especially in the book of Genesis teaches us something about God's nature and plurality. There are things need to be understood as who made the plan and who executed the plan.

Latter-day Saints believe that Christ was the creator, but that doesn't mean that the Father did nothing in the beginning, of course He is the Father of all Spirit and projected a plan for everone. It was the Father who knows when and where or how all things should be done in order and Jehovah was deligated to create all things. It was through him and by him all everything was created.

During the creation, another being was with him, and we come to know that it is not just Jehovah the creator all alone. The same Jehovah who will suffer the atonement for all the Father's children.

Relationship to the Father, the SON and the Holy Ghost -

There are centain scriptures that teaches us something about the existence of the Son of God. We know already the God is the Father of all spirit and we are his offspring, not just a mere creation that He could just simple destroy anytime He wanted to.

Christ was there with the father as the scripture says he is the "WORD" with the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit as the scripture says it, this three bear records in heaven.

Three separate individual, not just one being, but rather one in purpose and plan. of course, the father is superior and the one who made the plan, so it's the reason why Christ call him God, as the Father.

Christ communicate to the father through prayer. For some, Christ way of prayer disqualifies his nature being a God, since he ask for help or guidance. Prayer is one way communication to our father in heaven, it is simply talking and asking some direction on what to do everyday in which Christ shows us an example to communicate always with the Father or our God and He will direct us through the Holy Ghost. So Christ also experience the same human nature the need constant guidance and revelations. After all, the very reason why he came to earth to be an example and to fulfil the plan of God.

His Glory

God's nature was reveal through prophets of Old as the scriptures teaches us, and even in latter-days he continue to reveal everything necessary for us to understand his will and nature.

We learn that God has a body of flesh and bones, tangable and a glorified body. Which means, God can be seen or has the ability to make Himself seen or known to the eyes of the people or person whom he chooses.

Early teaching from the prophets teaches us a few things about his nature, but it was eventually revealed during this latter-days.

We learn that Christ cannot do anything unless what he sees from the father, and the father revealed to him the thing that he needed to do.

We learn that the body of flesh and bones could enhirit the kingdoms of heaven. God created man with the tabernacle of clay (that is our flesh) and that someday it will rise as glorified perfect body.

There's no reason for us to be follow God's plan and be ressurected if God the Father himself is not glorified or doesn't have a perfect body. Christ was glorified and ascended in the throne of our God with a perfect immortal Body, in that case God has that same glory and nature.

The plan

The plan is basically create everything in this world to be occupied by man and they will be tried if they're worthy to be part of his kingdom. I would like to make a separate article about this one since it will cover up the Fall, Atonement and life on Earth. This will be an interesting topic.

Anyway, so to answer the post straight. There are some couple of scripture that tells us about the creation and that God was never alone in creating the universe for our existence and experiences.

Genesis 1:26
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

This has proved that God was never alone, he talk to someone else to create man in their own image. 

Ephesians 3:9
And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:

It was created by Jesus Christ. And as we all know, he existed with the father and was plan to atone us from our sins.

Hebrews 1:2
Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

It was christ who made the worlds. Which means our basic understanding towards the creation was all clear through the teachings of our prophets and apostles whom the Lord calls. Christ who acted as the father creates everything around us even worlds unknown to our days.

Our Savior and Our Creator by Jan Tribe


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