Beware some oppressed you

One of the classic songs from the 80's that has a deeper meaning in regards of sectarian movements. If you look closely on how it says and representations, it get you to some lights and understanding of what really is and how it all ends up in a religious society that ends up devouring your faith and belief. See the video and lyrics below -

Some people suppress you
They partch you and reap a disaster
Reeducation for the infants
Who demanded for an innocent instance

The great commandment
Shows the contempt
Between the world and their embarrassing pavement
Believe the scholars, read the readings
Realize the man who says anything

The great commandment

The needers believe you
They treat you
Like survivor of a disaster
Reeducation for the infants
Who demanded for an innocent instance

The great commandment
Shows the contempt
Between the world and their embarrassing pavement
Believe the scholars
Read the readings
Realize the man who says anything

The great commandment
Shows the contempt
Between the world and their embarrassing pavement
Believe the scholars, Read the readings
Realize the man who says anything

The great commandment

So, what's with it?

Here's how exactly it is based on my own observation, you may check about it online if you can find a good meaning of the song. I will try to post it using the video clip images. Note: This is based on my opinion.

This First Part of the Clips, Shows young Children who're eager to learn about the teachings of the Preacher. This Children represent not just child, but people who were unlearn about the mysteries of the kingdom. People who wanted to know more about the Gospel, and could never find it.

One guy who appeared that deliver a notice for this young children. If you look closely, almost as nothing is interested about it. Sometimes is true in preaching the Gospel, not all people are even aware of the truth. They just simply ignore it not minding how helpful it is for salvation.

The Children are so concern about the words they here rather the truth they need to know. There are good preacher who knows how to trick people, brainwashing and presenting a different teachings.

To some who seek they're persecuted. The boy was separated and was taken away while investigating the truth. This happen in the entire sectarian movement. So true and no one could hide it in real life. They're excommunicated, blotted out, disband or name removal. This cases could also happen in a true church, either you're on the bright side or was deceived on the other side.

Persecution continues even in congregation or inside the Fold. Separated and was removed.

Most of preaching sometimes were mocking of others belief, injected words that will become a traditions of their belief. Brainwashing them that other beliefs are enemies.

A young girl wanted to play ball. Symbolically, the only person who can discover the truth is through investigating it in a discussion. Throwing a questions and receiving the answers will help you learn the truth. In the clip they use a girl that portrait humbleness, teachable, meek and kind. Seems awkward but its just my opinion. But actually the only thing that can lead you to light and truth is to let the Gift of the Spirit works. While the ball is the way of communicating a discussion thrown and received.

As the clip goes on, the young child discover something was hidden below the stand. Then there goes the buttons that cause it's functions. She's pressed some of it and figure out that it was a control system of the android who brainwashed the other children.

He's out of control and everything starts to fall.

The truth behind the laughing. After the android preacher got out of control, the children laughs on it. Obviously, that happens a lot when things got exposed.

Everything is a mess. And as it all ends, the sheep left without a shepherd, the children left watching their preacher lay down, except for the young girl. See the ending part of the video.

About the lyrics. I could agree if they're using the word prophets instead of scholars. The only people we could trust are the people that was called of God. Scholars could be accurate in text studies but not in authority and revelation.


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