Journal Entry: Why do we Celebrate Christmas?

Why do we Celebrate Christmas?
Thought history of church declaration.  Revelation was given through Joseph Smith on when the Savior was Born contradicting the world's traditions. And why we celebrate?

There are some reasons why we adopted this tradition. And those are

Special Gathering, Christmas season is a perfect celebration on gathering, get together with, and have a happy time together.

Other reason was the Love we experienced on the time we were Together and service towards those who are needy.

I would like to extend an invitation to continue the spirit of Christmas everyday. The joy we experience in incomparable.

I know that God extended his Love to us during the time when he was to give His son into the world as a sacrifice for us to save us from sin and death. His blood symbolizes his commitments, his sacrifices and his love for us.

Charity and Love is the essence of Christmas. We can prove that we are more Christlike if we keep our commitment to love each other and serve each other. We can be more Christlike if we show simple attribute of giving and sharing.

Brothers and sisters, as the scriptures says to gain such charity and love, ask for it through Prayer. Pray always to gain the pure love of Christ, that through this The joy of the season will extend the intire year of our lifetime.

I bare my testimony that God is love and He is our Father.

Journal Entry
One of my short Message last Christmas Gathering in Bulawen Branch. December 21, 2019


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