In Defense of Truth: 52

Salvation Army: Christ did not ever teach that doctrine. When they brought sinners before Him, He would either forgive them (the thief on the cross) or send them on their way with the command to repent, (as the lady caught in adultery). I still disagree that it's a doctrine that was never taught by the Savior.

Missionaries: How do you challenge that which I just read unless you challenge what the Lord said? The challenge was to support it by scripture and this I have done. The real problem is not blood atonement, but whether Joseph Smith was a prophet. If he was, as we have proven here today, then it was a doctrine of the Lord. I have proven from the scriptures that God commanded it, that it was practiced and taught, and where Paul made reference to it. He (Christ) may have forgiven, but still we have the words ringing through the air that "THEY WHICH DO SUCH THINGS SHALL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD." (Gal. 5:l9-2l) Each individual has his different circumstances for committing sin, and if anything even in your distorted look of this doctrine, a request for personal atonement for a grievous sin would be an act of humble repentance and a request of mercy from our Redeemer. An adulterous person is not only a morally wicked person in body, but in spirit, is a liar, and a sign seeker. The doctrine was taught by prophets of God, and we have supported them from the scriptures. Concerning the people which crucified the Lord, it was Christ, himself, who said, "Father, forgive them (the Romans) for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) As Paul said in Romans, "Where there is no law, there is no transgression." Paul wrote to Timothy and said, "I was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious; but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief." (1 Tim. 1:13) Therefore, there is a great difference between killing with a vast knowledge and spiritual conviction of the truth, and killing in complete ignorance and lack of spiritual conviction of the Holy Spirit. We believe that a person who kills another outside the church will still be punished because God will judge "each man according to his works", but he could be forgiven by sincere and humble repentance and coming forth under this new light with a broken heart and contrite spirit. There is a similar section dealing with adultery in Section 42. If you should ask this question in relation to its forgiveness, once again it is dealing with members of the church while Bible references were dealing with outsiders.


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