In Defense of Truth: 45

Baptist Church: I have a question, which comes first, the Priesthood or baptism in the Mormon Church? You see, l challenge you to show me a passage or verse where the apostles were baptized into the church. Also, a passage or verse to show me who did it, since John 4:2 informs us that Christ did not baptize. Also, can a man hold the Priesthood without being baptized?

Missionaries: The cases are few and far between but a man can hold the Priesthood without being baptized. Joseph Smith received the Priesthood from John the Baptist, and then baptized Oliver Cowdery, and the same was true in reverse. Our Lord, in Matt. 10:1-3 gave the apostles His power and authority, (also Luke 9:11) and I guess due to your own lack of knowledge you did not read in Matt. 20:21-23 where Christ promised James and John that they were to be baptized. You have also forgotten that it was the "council" and "will" of God for them to be baptized, "of the baptism of John." (Luke 7:29-30) Also, the baptism could have been performed by anyone who had the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood which Priesthood the Jews held. The fact that we do not have records on everything that was ever done with the apostles does not mean it was not done. The teachings are there and therefore it was done but there exists no written record of it today.


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