In Defense of Truth: 43

Methodist Church: If your church is true, why are there so few members in it?

Missionaries: Because Christ said, "Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." (Matthew 7:1) However, we are the fastest growing church in the world today and the 3rd largest Christian church so based on your statement your church must not be true.

Methodist Church: I would like to ask you some questions about Joseph Smith. If he was a prophet, why did his wife and son leave the Mormon Church and join the Reorganized Church whose headquarters are in Missouri? Also, if your church is true, why did the three witnesses leave the Mormon Church and hold bitterness against Smith, along with several of the eight witnesses? If it were God's church there would only be love and harmony in it – and at least his own family would have stayed in the church.

Missionaries: Your questions surprise me. Christ said, "Suppose ye that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, nay, but rather division. For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son,
and the mother against the daughter, and the daughter shall be against the mother, and the son against the father." (Luke 12:51-54) So the Gospel would divide homes, and this was true even in the home of the prophet. However, you are wrong about his wife. She remained true to the church and did not join the reorganized church. However, she did remain in Missouri to stay where her husband was buried. Your statement against the three witnesses being out of harmony with the prophet, and then stating this as a qualification of identifying a false church, made the original church false, is not accurate. All churches lose members from time to time for any number of reasons. How is that a qualification for truth? Even though they left the church they never denied seeing the angel or the original gold plates, which is the crux of the matter. We read in Acts 15:37-41 where the feelings of Paul and Barabbas were so strong, "and the contention was so sharp between them, they departed asunder one from the other, and so Barabbas took Mark, and sailed to Cyprus, and Paul chose Silas and departed." Also, in Galatians 2:11 we read, "But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed."

Anglican Church: Speaking of the three witnesses, I have before me a pamphlet entitles, "An Address to all Believers in Christ" by Mr. David Whitmer, one of the three witnesses. In this pamphlet, he describes the solemn mockery of the Latter-day Saint Church and his contempt against its leaders. His closing words are, "Oh foolish Latter-day Saints" and his final plea is for them to return to Christ. I'll bet you didn't know that David Whitmer denied your church and wrote against it, did you?

Missionaries: He never denied seeing the angel or the gold plates from which it was translated. The fact that he was disgruntled over not being chosen for a high position in the church and therefore left it and disagreed with some of its practices again does not disprove the truth of the restoration of the gospel. He was a man embittered and left the church, but your proposal here today is not to investigate his feelings about the Church but as a prosecution, to show me where it is shown to be false or that there is a false witness about the plates. I really don't care about that pamphlet, and yes, I have heard of it. To show what kind of faith this man did have, just before his death he had printed in the New York Times and the London Times the following statement, "I wish now, standing in the very sunset of life and in the face of God, once and for all to make this public statement; I have never at any time denied the testimony or any part thereof. I have always adhered to that testimony. I do again affirm the truth of all my statements as when made and published. It was no delusion. In the spirit of Christ, I submit these statements to the world, God being my judge, as to the sincerity of my motives." Many of the town's most noted citizens signed a certificate saying that he was a man of the highest integrity. Therefore, gentlemen, the testimony of David Whitmer still stands as a witness to the entire world that “The Book of Mormon” is true.


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