Anti Age Discrimination Bill - For Real?

I remember one time while I was in Cebu City. The place where I was raised and born. Lots of excitement, a place where I gain much knowledge and experience in my youth. And a place where education is a priority if you want to grab an opportunity for you to live a life of plenty.

But I couldn't grab any of those, some reasons are - Booth my parents passed away before I finished High School, my mother passed away when I was in the 4th grade and my father passed away while on my first year in high school. During those times, me and my brothers were raised by my grandparent who only have a sari-sari store and a room for rent. I lost my focus on study while on my youth days, I am not serious about it and no one ever care anyway. And it all ended up that I don't have a good job and an education to attain high since we don't have funds.
One day I told my grandparent to help me finish my schooling (High School), I don't care if it was in the lowest class of education, as long as I got an education so that I can present to the company wherever I need a job for a living. I did study hard, I even study Computer Trouble Shootings and basic programs, though it's not actually an actual education or training for I only study it in the National Bookstores after school. So I gain knowledge until I finished High School.

Then guess what? Every time I apply for a job, I got denied for I am OVERAGE. WHAT THE HELL? I keep on thinking is this really in our Employment Jurisdiction or what? I was there one day with one of the companies and I saw one of my old friends who got a good job, and I could even do better than what he did in the company, yes for sure because I know him since we were young. "Sorry, your too late" That's what I'm thinking. So stupid, and I keep on blaming life that if I could just go back in time, I will not allow everything that will ruin my whole life in the future. I wished that my Mother and father was here and that they could support my study while I was young, so that I could be on time to finish my study and got good employment.

I hope it will change one day, for I know there are lots of poor people out there who wish to have a good job They study hard which took them too long because of poor living, then it will end up too late to grab it.

I got married and still, I am working hard for my family enough for living because I am overage. Then I saw some of the posts of my Facebook friends about the new Bill that was forwarded by Pia Cayetano, this will change everything. The Philippines will now be a better place to live. If this bill was forwarder on my days, how I wish it will, then my life will be more satisfied. I can study well because I know jobs and companies won't select age brackets and limits. But anyway, it is better this way.

Here is the post from Pia S. Cayetano's website and I'll repost it here so that it will be accessed easily if I want to refer it.

Promote diversity, and inclusion in the workplace

Statement on RA 10911
By Rep. Pia S. Cayetano
Taguig City, 2nd District
August 1, 2016

I am elated that the bill I pushed and worked for during my last term in the Senate has now become a law.

I first filed the bill prohibiting age discrimination in the workplace after the practice was brought to my attention in 2010 by a woman who was only in her 30s, but could no longer find a job.
I have also met former OFWs as young as 30 who find it difficult to land local employment because many employers prefer ‘younger’ hires.

What particularly struck me was the fact that many of those marginalized by this practice were mothers who had either left the workforce to care for their children, or parents who have gone abroad to work but could not get a job upon returning to our country.

I also wish to emphasize that this landmark legislation promotes diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Even as we await the law’s implementing rules, I urge employers, job fair organizers, and publishers of job ads to start doing away with age bias and discrimination. Let us work towards promoting equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.

Note: Congresswoman and former senator Pia Cayetano was the principal author in the Senate of the Anti-Age Discrimination in Employment Act, which became Republic Act No. 10911 last July 21.

PDF of this Bill
See my previous post - The Way You See Happiness.


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