About the ADF.LY

Another link shortining or sharing program that you can use to monetize. Adf.ly was online since 2009 if I'm not wrong, and the site was still stable and paying.

They pay through PAYPAL, Payoner or Liberty Reserve.

It's easy to use and you can even monetize your links without any site log-in by just including you own ID on the links you want to share. Here's the Example Below -

There are two different setups.

I put here the example of  the link you want to share and monetize www.google.com , I use my adf.ly ID as "707".

1. For interstitial type or whole frame-ads,
You only need a complete URL of the adf.ly then you may add your /ID then the /Link.


2. For banner on top frame
Simply put /ID followed by /banner then your /LINK. see Example below


Just like the above link. You may see if it's working on your own ID.

Visit the site and join now on the banner above. If you have any questions you may visit their F.A.Q just click on the link


Check out the rest of my blog post at www.bustillo-family.blogspot.com