Edson Robis Rase

About the Critic:
Edson Robis Rase is recognized for his unique approach to criticism, marked by a strategy of evasion. His critiques often do not align with biblical standards and are sometimes seen as below par. Unlike many other members of Iglesia Ni Cristo, Edson takes commentaries to another level, occasionally incorporating personal attacks and even stalking in his exchanges. This behavior sets him apart, and it’s important to note that he tends to shy away from formal discussions or structured arguments.

In debates, Edson often avoids staying on topic, frequently shifting the subject or joining other ongoing threads to divert the readers' attention away from the original point. This tactic can create a confusing and chaotic environment, making it difficult for others to address the actual issues at hand.

Additionally, Edson has a knack for collecting memes and often uses them in his discussions. However, he does not claim to possess a deep understanding of the content of these memes. Instead, he relies on their humorous or illustrative appeal to make his points, sometimes to the amusement of others, as indicated by the "LOL🤣" reaction.

Despite this, it’s evident that Edson relies on ideas and concepts he does not fully stand by or comprehend. This reliance on shaky arguments and diversion tactics often undermines the strength of his critiques. While his approach is unique, it doesn’t necessarily contribute to meaningful or productive discussions. Instead, it can detract from genuine dialogue and understanding, leaving those he engages with frustrated and without resolution.

For more of our exchanges, I'd made a label under his name to see a quick glance of some topic -

And below were the most discussion that has been presented where misses most of it -


Check out the rest of my blog post at www.bustillo-family.blogspot.com