Does the MCGI knows What Christ meant that "by their Fruits ye Shall Know them"

I recently have a conversation with one of the MCGI members (know as Members of Church of God International) which seems so critical about the church and it's organization in which he thinks that the church based on how the Members Personal actions reflect the truthfulness of the church. I do believe that the church has it's teaching that directs our lives to Christ and salvation, but the personal actions of each members either in the other church, doesn't exactly says about it, rather what Christ said on Matthew 7:15-20 which says "by their fruit ye shall know them", was actually a broad topic and it's not about how good or bad the person but rather how he was ordain to leads the Church (in general) to righteousness. Let's sum it up in this article -

List of Members with a bad refutation does not says anything about the church is not true or the fruit of the authority wasn't from God.

So here we are in his comments about it and and it simply shows arrogant behavior and childish. (Screenshot provided)

He's trying to make an Argumentum ad Lapidem, thinking it will be dismissed just because people with unrighteous deed were on the list in serving the administration. He keep on post pictures that was directly taken in (click on the link that show the rest as he tries to post individual pictures) 🤭

To be fair, I also cought of it sometime, but that doesn't said anything that such organization is false just because everyone did the opposite. You simple want to show off something that you didn't even think of Estela Salamagan. So here let's elaborate everything to make my stand and it's your turn to debunk it.

First of all, Christ was of the lineage of sinners. I'll list people of Christ lineage to prove my point, just follow the rest of the scripture reference to know about their story -
  • Judah (Matthew 1:3) - yup, first on our list. He sold Joseph to Egypt team up with the rest of their brethren (Genesis 37). Then followed the incident with Tamar (Genesis 38). The lineage of Judah didn't receive the Priesthood during Moses blessings to the Tribe, latter on Christ restores it (Hebrew 7:14).
  • Rahab the Harlot (Matthew 1:5) - yes, we all know the story, the harlot who ask that their household will be spared in Jericho while Joshua and the rest plans to take over Jericho (Joshua 2)
  • David (Matthew 1:6) - that same David who murderer Uriah just to escape the issue with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11)
  • Solomon - it was the same Bathsheba as the mother of Solomon the King, but fail his kingdom because of his idolatrous wives (1 Kings 1-11)
Okay, so we have Stablish that even Christ lineage were the people who were disobedient and even lost their reputation with the God whom they serve. And here's the question - DOES IT SAID THAT CHRIST ALSO WAS UNRIGHTEOUS? OF COURSE NOT! See where you failed to understand Biblical Eisegesis?

So I commented this to know how his understand goes on the subject he just opened up. It turns out that this question were left unanswered.

I gave an example of how this Genetic Fallacy was in his arguments and yet it wasn't answered at all.

Insisting something not even relevant to the main topic is senseless. Seem he had a childish attitude. This actually later on ends up in Red Herring Fallacy where he shifted totally to a different topic and seems like those question would never get an answers, unless if he has something on the table.

Moving on, This actually seen in some known characters in the scripture, like Paul as we know who was known of persecuting and killing during the early Christians era. But we never knew how he was change through Christ. Yet Paul and basically like us, we are not perfect. Paul has clearly stated -

As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: 
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. - Romans 3:10-11

Later on his epistle to Timothy he said -

1 Timothy 1:15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

Just an honest review, every religion has their own controversy, but it doesn't change that fact to it's truthfulness, and that if, they have the truth. And so far, based on my question with one of the MCGI member Estela Salamagan, he haven't proven any of it, so there's nothing to brag about any of your research. If you think you have the answer to the same question that you have thrown, then be sure to have it accurately instead to doing things not even related to the topic. After all, as the title said, it was left unanswered.

- Jerry Nuñez Bustillo