Where are the plates?

Posted by Rafael Arevalo

The Gold Plates:
Where Are They Now?

The gold plates from which Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon have captivated the curiosity of many. According to Latter-day Saint teachings, these plates were kept safe by being buried and later returned to the angel Moroni.

Witnesses’ Testimonies
Multiple witnesses testified about the existence and reality of the gold plates. Here are some key quotes:

Oliver Cowdery: He had the privilege of viewing the plates and described them in detail: 
"I beheld with my eyes, and handled with my hands, the gold plates from which it was translated..." - Testimony of the Three Witnesses

David Whitmer: Another of the Three Witnesses, also bore witness of their physical reality: 
"I handled the plates; they were shown to me by a supernatural power" - David Whitmer Interview

Martin Harris: Similarly, he shared:
"I saw the plates, handled them with my hands, and they were shown to me by the power of God" - Martin Harris Testimony

The Return of the Plates
Once the translation was completed, the account says that the angel Moroni took the plates back. Joseph Smith explained: 
"The book was delivered to me, and I translated it by the gift and power of God. After finishing the translation, the plates were returned to the angel Moroni." - Joseph Smith's History

While the gold plates are not currently available for viewing, the powerful testimonies of those who saw them play a crucial role in affirming their historicity and significance in the formation of the Book of Mormon. Their accounts bolster the faith of Latter-day Saints and underscore the miraculous nature of the book's translation.

Neil Andi Anderson asking a basic question.
Obviously new members knows the answers,
but Neil Andi Anderson seems had no idea.

Why the Plates Were Taken Back:
A Detailed Summary
  1. Fulfillment of Their Purpose
    • The golden plates were given to Joseph Smith specifically for the purpose of translating them into what we now know as the Book of Mormon. Once this divine mission was accomplished, there was no longer a need for the physical plates to remain in mortal hands. The knowledge and spiritual truths they contained were now accessible to the world through the printed Book of Mormon.
  2. Sacred Nature
    • The plates were not just historical artifacts; they were sacred records filled with spiritual significance. Because of their sacred nature, it was important to protect them from any potential disrespect or desecration. By taking the plates back, it was ensured that they would be preserved in their divine and sacred state.
  3. Protection from Misuse
    • Living in the 1830s, Joseph Smith faced significant opposition and persecution. Enemies of the Church could have sought to steal, destroy, or misuse the plates. By returning them to a celestial guardian, Moroni, the plates were kept safe from any harmful intentions.
  4. Symbol of Faith
    • The necessity of faith is a central theme in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The removal of the plates can also be seen as a test and a testament of faith. Members are encouraged to believe in the divine nature and origin of the Book of Mormon through faith, prayer, and personal confirmation of the Holy Spirit, rather than empirical evidence alone.
  5. Continued Role of Moroni
    • Moroni, who had a history of protecting and adding to the plates, continued his guardianship by taking them back. His continued role emphasizes the ongoing divine nature of the record and its preservation under God's direction.
In summary, God would not let this book be corrupted or used solely to showcase Joseph Smith's authority and prophetic calling. God would not endorse His servant showing off his gifts just to convince others to believe. Instead, God desires that everyone exercise faith and understand the purpose of the Holy Ghost through obedience. Using their agency wisely is the key. And in contrast according to Neil Andi Anderson and Rafael Arevalo, God would never allow the distortion of this book merely to validate Joseph Smith’s authority. Rather than supporting His servant in flaunting his gifts to win over in a situations, God won't Allow that. So, hoping Our Friend Rafael Arevalo and Neil Andi Anderson would make their own commentary about this instead of running away.


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