Overcoming Envy: Sarah’s Realization

Sarah, a young professional living in Provo, Utah, often felt overshadowed by her peers. Her close friend, Hannah, always seemed to be a step ahead—landing a prestigious job, buying a beautiful home, and enjoying what seemed like a perfect marriage. Every Sunday at Church, as they gathered with other friends, Sarah’s heart sank a little more as Hannah shared stories of professional success and personal happiness.

The envy was subtle at first but grew over time, darkening Sarah's feelings towards her friend and making Church gatherings something she started to dread rather than look forward to. She noticed she was praying less and less and felt disconnected during her scripture studies. The joy she once found in the gospel was dimmed by the cloud of envy.

During a particularly difficult day, Sarah turned to her scriptures in search of comfort but found, instead, conviction. She stumbled upon Mosiah 4:21, which reads, "Are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend upon the same Being, even God, for all the substance which we have?" This scripture hit her hard, reminding her that she and Hannah were both dependent on God for their blessings.

Feeling prompted to change, Sarah visited her bishop to discuss her struggles. He counseled her to focus on personal growth and divine worth rather than worldly comparisons. He reminded Sarah of the covenants she made and how the Savior’s Atonement is not only for sin but also for pain, including the pain brought by envy.

Moved by this counsel, Sarah began to redirect her energy into serving others in her ward and community. She volunteered to organize social activities and service projects, focusing on the needs of others rather than her deficiencies.

As weeks turned into months, her heart began to heal. She started to genuinely rejoice in Hannah's successes because she no longer saw them as a metric against her worth. Their friendship deepened as Sarah shared her journey with Hannah, who opened up about her own insecurities and fears.

At a stake conference months later, a visiting General Authority spoke on the dangers of envy and the power of unity and love among Church members. Sarah felt a profound peace knowing that she was on the right path, one that led back to true fellowship and happiness in the gospel.


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