National Family Week 2024

National Family Week is just around the corner, and our stake has been tasked with creating a program focused on Family History or Family Research. We're optimistic about our initial plans, but we recognize that further brainstorming and innovative ideas are essential to enhance our strategies. Our Stake President has requested a comprehensive plan to promote This initiative represents a critical opportunity not only to reacquaint individuals with this valuable resource but also to support our branches and wards in achieving their goals related to key performance indicators. It's vital that we develop effective ways to maintain engagement and commitment within our community to the principles of family history work. We look forward to collaborating and collecting diverse ideas that can make our participation in National Family Week both impactful and inspiring.

Presented Design for 2024 National Family Week

Excerpt from a letter to the Stake and Ward Leaders
from Philippines Area Presidency

Below were the presented ideas that I am about to share in advance. You may choose to view in web version to zoom in the documents.


Check out the rest of my blog post at