Hilarious, Awkward and sometimes Humiliating Experienced that I had

Now we're here. In this article, I've collected some moments where I, and/or maybe you too, have had some funny experiences while doing our Chores and Service as Latter-day Saints. These are just some light-hearted bloopers, so there's no need to take them too seriously as I share my experiences. Let's buckle up -

Scripture Reading - Thinking I got the right passage.
The discussion topic was homosexuality, making it a bit awkward for our practice teaching session. Two pretend missionary sisters asked me to read a scripture. They meant for me to read Deuteronomy 22:4, but I accidentally turned to Deuteronomy 22:5. Instead of reading the intended passage, I read out loud: 
"Thou shalt not see thy brother’s ass or his ox fall down by the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again." 
It was an honest mistake, but it caught everyone by surprise and didn’t quite fit the topic. We all had a good laugh and took it as a lesson to double-check references before reading them out loud. It was a good reminder that sometimes, things don’t go as planned, and that’s okay.

Prayer -
None English Speaker like me that tries hard to speak up English while praying. Some words that were never realize like using the word (We Thank You... or Thank you for...) instead of using (Thee, Thou, Thy or Thine). And Later on, no one corrected my error. 🤣

Missionary Visits/finding -
We did missionary Tracting and visits in one occasion and this I found hilarious experience. My companion and I thought that there's a "Nanay" in the house since we saw some vegetable cuts fresh. We decided to pretend leaving and while we slowly sneak in to areas behind open windows there she was hiding, and for the funny part I raise my voices to tell her that we already saw where she was while standing in the open window, and there she was telling me to lower my voice saying pretentiously that she's hiding for someone else, though it's supposed to be us. 🤣

Testimony -
The funny moment where the bishop or Branch President said to shorten our testimonies so others could share, I found not just one occasion where someone use almost the entire program telling his/her story, and later after storytelling, he/she closed it with a few seconds of testimony. But yeah, it is still heartfelt. 🤣


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