For Jasher my Son with Love

Me with my Son Jasher

You're a child brimming with surprises,
In moments where all I knew was your joyous smiles.
I never imagined a child like you,
A reminder to stay sincere and true.

I chose the finest name for you, my dear,
A name so upright, it’s righteousness to persevere.
Sometimes I'm overprotective, or lose control,
But for you, I’d move mountains, as no task is too cruel.

Though it saddens me to watch you grow and depart,
Or miss out on the daily matters of your heart,
I trust your name will echo, esteemed and admired,
A beacon of integrity, endlessly inspired.

One day, I'll rest alone beneath the quiet deep,
Dreaming of your smile, in my eternal sleep.
Time may blur the when and how of our next greeting,
Yet I yearn for the day, your noble name repeating.

- Jerry Nuñez Bustillo

Info: Jasher in Hebrew mean Upright or Correct. It was mentioned twice in Old testament referenced as a writing or book.


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