To My Sweet Princess Saraijah

Me and Saraijah
She gave a hug before I went to work

You’re the sweet girl in my dream,
A name that I always gleam.
I work hard so you can live,
A life full of wonder I aim to give.

I may not be the best dad for you,
But you know my love is true.
It’s the least that I can do,
Living each day to see you through.

Though life can be challenging,
And sometimes I might fall,
I never give up, my darling,
I'm here to help your soul stand tall.

In life’s difficult moments,
I’ll make things more easy.
I'll do the best I can for you,
So your days are never cheesy.

Saraijah is the name I gave,
A princess whom God did save,
To you, my sweetest daughter dear,
Who brings us laughter and cheer.

I leave this thought for you to ponder,
May it guide you through yonder.
The love I give is always true,
For you, my first, my heart anew.

I love you, Princess, a daughter of God,
My love won't fail, as I hold the iron rod.

- Jerry Nuñez Bustillo

Information about Her Name -
The name "Sarai" was the name of Abraham's wife before it was renamed by the Lord for some Matriarchal reasons (Genesis 17:15-16). The name was mentioned about 13 time in the Old testament, the name simply means in Hebrew as "My Princess" or "My Lady", which I preferred to use as to what it meant for me instead of "Sarah" (Princess) in which God meant for a different role.

So anyway, on the other hand the word "Jah" was actually referring to a shorten word of Tetragrammaton (YHWH), mentioned in Psalm 68:4 as the God's Name, which normally pronounce as (Yah) in conventional English pronunciation since the letter "J" wasn't used in Hebrews dialect.

So there you have it, Sarai-Jah simply meant for me as "My Princess of God". Though not actual New World Hebrew writing as נסיך האלוהים שלי but perhaps you could tell how I meant to call her that way.

Thank you and have a nice day.


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