General Question about Temple Building and Membership requirements.

Urdaneta Philippines Temple

What's specific requirements needed to build a temple in a place?

Building a temple is a significant effort and involves various specific considerations. Here are some general requirements and considerations the Church usually takes into account:

  • Local Membership: Typically, there needs to be a sufficient number of Latter-day Saints in the area. This ensures that the temple will be utilized frequently.
  • Temple District: The Church looks at the needs of existing temple districts. If another temple is too far for members to travel to conveniently, a new temple might be considered.
  • Site Selection: The site for a temple is carefully chosen. It needs to be a place where it can be a beacon to the community and accessible for local members.
  • Approval Process: The proposal must get approval from Church leaders and often includes considerations for local government regulations and zoning laws.
  • Architectural Plans: Temples are known for their beautiful and unique architecture that requires careful planning and design.
  • Funding: The Church funds the construction and maintenance of temples, and it’s all done through tithing and other Church funds.
  • Spiritual Confirmation: A temple site is confirmed through prayer and revelation to Church leaders, ensuring it's the right place for such a sacred building.

Numbers of stake needed to build a temple?

The Church doesn't have an official, set number of stakes required to build a temple. However, historically, areas with around 12 to 20 stakes have typically been considered sufficient to support a new temple. This isn't a strict rule, though. Other factors like distance to the nearest temple, local membership activity, and growth potential can also play significant roles in the decision-making process.

Numbers of members in a stake that is required to build a temple?

There isn't a strict or specific number of members required in a stake for a temple to be built. Instead, the decision is based on a combination of factors, including:

  • Activity Level: The activity rate and participation of members in the region.
  • Travel Distance: How far members currently need to travel to reach the nearest temple.
  • Growth Trends: The potential for growth in membership within the region.
  • Local Needs: The unique needs and circumstances of the local members and community.

Generally, a stake might have around 3,000 to 4,000 members, but this can vary significantly. The Church leadership seeks inspiration and revelation to determine the best locations for new temples, so the numerical specifics can be flexible.

Number of members full tithe required to build temple

I used this common ground as the required factor in building up a temple in a specific areas, but as thorough research, I found this as helpful but not actually an official policy. The Church doesn't have an official policy or requirement for a specific number of full-tithe-paying members to determine when to build a temple. The decision encompasses a range of factors focusing on the spiritual needs and growth of the area, beyond just financial considerations.

Some of these factors include:

  • Spiritual Readiness: The overall faithfulness and dedication of the members in the region.
  • Temple Attendance: The frequency and consistency with which members attend or would attend the temple.
  • Stake and Ward Leadership: The strength and stability of stake and ward leadership, along with their ability to promote and support temple and family history initiatives or support and maintain temple activities.
  • Community Support or engagement: How well the local community and Church members can support the operation of a temple. The overall engagement and activity level of members in temple-related activities.

While tithing is certainly a principle that all members are encouraged to live, the Church’s decisions on building temples are ultimately guided by a pattern of revelation received by Church leaders.

Does a stake needed to have a members who works out temple history or temple works to build a temple?

This might be the bases for some church member who were called in some Family History works that they might use as main reason in building up temple in specific place. While having members who are actively engaged in family history work and who demonstrate a commitment to temple work can be seen as a positive factor, it is not a strict requirement for a stake to have individuals specifically working in these roles in order to justify building a temple. Here are some aspects that are taken into consideration:

  • Commitment to Temple Work: The general commitment of the stake members to temple worship and their desire to participate in temple ordinances is important.
  • Family History Work: Active participation in family history work can highlight the members' readiness and desire to perform temple ordinances for their ancestors, which is a positive factor.

Ultimately, the decision to build a temple comes down to revelation received by Church leaders, considering the overall spiritual readiness and needs of the area. The presence of dedicated members working on temple and family history work can certainly reflect the spiritual maturity and readiness of the membership, but it is one of many factors considered.

Does a temple require a specific number of members in a stake or a certain total membership to be built in a particular location?

The decision is made through inspiration and revelation received by the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. They consider all these factors carefully to best serve the needs of the Saints in that area.

So far, based on some research this wasn't actually in a list of requirements but rather it was based on Revelation to Leaders as guided by the Holy Ghost who reveals to them which place suitable that the saints need for their spiritual growth and preparations. I don't want to be heretic for some reasons that I did this simple research, but will see in some future time where it will be given as a requirements.

Thank you and have a nice day,

Jerry Nuñez Bustillo

Some Sources


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