Come Follow Me: Scriptural Insights - Alma 30-31

All Things Denote There Is a God (Alma and Korihor), by Walter Rane

This week's Come, Follow Me topic focuses on Alma 30-31. Here's a little insight into these chapters:
Alma 30

This chapter primarily deals with the account of Korihor, an anti-Christ who preaches against the church and denies Christ. Alma confronts him, and through their interaction, we learn about the power of faith and testimony. Eventually, Korihor is struck dumb as a sign of God's power.
Alma 31

In this chapter, Alma and his companions head to the land of the Zoramites to preach to them. They encounter a group that has strayed from the faith and are worshiping in strange ways. Alma prays fervently for success in their missionary efforts, illustrating the importance of prayer and reliance on the Lord in missionary work.

Key Themes:
  • The dangers of anti-Christ philosophies.
  • The power of faith and testimony.
  • The importance of prayer and sincerity in worship.
  • The significance of confronting false teachings with truth and love.
For more detailed study, including questions and additional insights, you can check out the full lesson in the manual here:

Here are discussion questions that can help dive deeper into Alma 30-31. Note: you don't need to take everything as a whole lessons which might be on different cases and level. Just take some of it and let the Holy Ghost teach you how to do it.

Alma 30 (Korihor's Story):
  1. Why do you think Korihor denies the existence of Christ?
  2. How does Alma refute Korihor's arguments?
  3. What role does faith play in Alma's confrontation with Korihor?
  4. How does Korihor's story illustrate the consequences of leading others away from the truth?
  5. What can we learn from Alma's patience and persistence in dealing with Korihor?
  6. How do Korihor's arguments compare to modern-day secular arguments against faith?
  7. Why do you think the Lord allowed Korihor to be struck dumb?
  8. How did the people react to Korihor's punishment?
  9. What does this chapter teach us about the power of God versus the power of man?
  10. How can we guard against philosophies that lead us away from the truth?
Alma 31 (Mission to the Zoramites):
  1. What was unusual about the worship practices of the Zoramites?
  2. How did Alma prepare himself and his companions to preach to the Zoramites?
  3. What does Alma's prayer teach us about sincere prayer?
  4. How do Alma and his companions demonstrate faith and diligence?
  5. How does the Zoramite faith contrast with true worship?
  6. Why is it important to understand the culture and beliefs of those we are trying to teach?
  7. What lessons can we learn from Alma's prayer in Alma 31:26-35?
  8. How did Alma's prayer affect the missionary work among the Zoramites?
  9. What can we learn from Alma's example of humility and reliance on the Lord?
  10. How do we recognize and combat false teachings in our own lives?
General Discussions:
  1. How can we strengthen our own testimony in the face of opposition?
    • Alma 31:5 teaches that the word of God has a powerful effect on the minds of the people more than anything else. Regular scripture study, prayer, and living the gospel can fortify our testimonies against opposition.
  2. What strategies can we use to help those who have strayed from the faith? 
    • Alma 31:34-35 shows Alma’s example of offering prayers for those who have strayed, asking the Lord to touch their hearts. We can similarly pray for them, show love and understanding, and invite them back to partake of the gospel's blessings.
  3. How can we be more effective in our daily missionary efforts?
    • Alma 30:34 and Alma 31:5 emphasize the importance of sharing our personal testimony and knowledge of the scriptures. Being genuine in our testimony and living gospel principles can make our missionary efforts more effective.
  4. Why is it important to address false teachings directly, but with love?
    • In Alma 30:44, Alma confronts Korihor with patience and reasoned arguments, but ultimately with love. Addressing false teachings directly, but kindly, helps maintain the spirit of love and invites the Holy Ghost to guide communication.
  5. How does prayer influence our ability to serve and teach others?
    • Alma 31:38 highlights the power of prayer, where Alma and his brethren were strengthened in their afflictions and filled with joy. Prayer opens the door for divine assistance in our efforts to serve and teach.
  6. What role does the Spirit play in discerning and confronting false teachings?
    • Alma 30:42-44 shows that Alma was guided by the Spirit in discerning Korihor's false teachings. The Holy Ghost provides spiritual insight and strength in confronting deception.
  7. How can we help our children and youth recognize and reject false philosophies?
    • Alma 31:5 again is instructive—it underscores the importance of teaching the gospel. Consistent family scripture study, FHE, and open discussions about gospel principles and modern-day challenges can help children and youth discern truth from error.
  8. What are some modern-day examples of anti-Christ philosophies?
    • Drawing parallels from Alma 30, anti-Christ philosophies today might include materialism, moral relativism, and secular humanism. These philosophies challenge faith and divine principles by placing human wisdom above divine counsel.
  9. How can we build a stronger foundation of faith to withstand challenges to our beliefs?
    • Alma 30:34 encourages us to stand on our testimony and the word of God. Engaging in regular spiritual habits such as prayer, scripture study, and partaking of the sacrament helps build a firm foundation.
  10. How do we balance teaching the truth with respecting others' agency?
    • Alma 30:7-9 shows that the Nephites respected individuals' agency, as long as their beliefs did not infringe upon others’ rights. Teaching the gospel with love and respect for others' choices is crucial while upholding our commitment to share truth.
Deep-Dive Questions: Scriptural Mastery 
  1. What is the significance of the Zoramites' form of worship in the context of the Book of Mormon?
  2. How does Alma's experience with Korihor prepare him for his mission to the Zoramites?
  3. What are some similarities and differences between Korihor and the Zoramites?
  4. How does Alma's leadership style influence his missionary companions?
  5. Why is it important to address both the intellectual and spiritual aspects of faith?
  6. How can we apply the lessons from these chapters in our personal lives?
  7. What does this section teach us about the nature of apostasy?
  8. How can we help those who have been influenced by false teachings return to the faith?
  9. What role does prayer play in overcoming personal and collective challenges?
  10. How can we develop a more effective personal study of the scriptures?
Application to Modern Life: Paraphrase Answers, personal or self Explanation.
  1. How do we respond to public figures or media that deny Christ and His teachings?
  2. What steps can we take to ensure our prayers are sincere and heartfelt?
  3. How can we foster a spirit of humility in our personal worship?
  4. What are practical ways to guard against secular philosophies in our daily lives?
  5. How can we support each other in faith during times of doubt or opposition?
  6. What are some ways to approach missionary work in our own communities?
  7. How can we ensure our worship practices are in line with true doctrine?
  8. How can we help others feel the importance and power of prayer?
  9. What lessons can we share with others about confronting false teachings with love and truth?
  10. How can we apply Alma's example of leadership and faith in our church responsibilities?
Speeches and conference messages that reflect these themes and can provide additional insights and inspiration

I recommend reading the entire message on the links provide to help you on your study. You may just pick one depends on the scenarios or as the spirit directed you. Click on the link after the quote and title to go directly to the main source.

Questions & Answers for self-mastery of scriptural context.
  1. Who was Korihor, and what was his main message?
    • Answer: Korihor was an anti-Christ who preached against the coming of Christ and denied the need for a Savior. (Alma 30:6, 12-18)
  2. How did Korihor view the concept of prophecy?
    • Answer: Korihor viewed prophecy as foolish traditions and claimed that no man can know the future. (Alma 30:13-14)
  3. What was Korihor's argument regarding the existence of God?
    • Answer: Korihor argued that there was no evidence of God's existence and that belief in God was the result of people's own imaginations. (Alma 30:15-18)
  4. How did Alma counter Korihor’s arguments?
    • Answer: Alma testified of his own witness and experiences with God and pointed out the abundant evidence of God's existence in the world and in human life. (Alma 30:39-44)
  5. What was the consequence Korihor faced for his blasphemy?
    • Answer: Korihor was struck dumb by the power of God after demanding a sign. (Alma 30:49-50)
  6. How did Korihor's fate serve as a lesson to the Nephites?
    • Answer: Korihor’s fate showed the Nephites the dangers of dissenting from the faith and rejecting God's prophets. (Alma 30:56-59)
  7. What was a significant difference between the prayers of the Zoramites and those of the Nephites?
    • Answer: The Zoramites had a repetitive, prideful prayer, often on the Rameumptom, while Alma and his companions offered sincere, humble prayers to God. (Alma 31:12-18, 26-35)
  8. What characterized the Zoramite society, according to Alma 31?
    • Answer: The Zoramite society was characterized by pride, elitism, and external religion without true faith. (Alma 31:22-23, 27-28)
  9. How did Alma describe his feelings towards the Zoramites in his prayer?
    • Answer: Alma expressed great sorrow and compassion for the spiritually lost Zoramites. (Alma 31:30-35)
  10. What was Alma's primary request in his prayer for the Zoramites?
    • Answer: Alma prayed for the strength and ability to bring the Zoramites back to the truth and to withstand the trials and opposition they faced. (Alma 31:31-35)
  11. What specific challenges did Alma foresee in his mission to the Zoramites?
    • Answer: Alma foresaw opposition, pride, and spiritual blindness as significant challenges in converting the Zoramites. (Alma 31:24-30)
Scriptural Interpretations
  1. How did the Nephite missionaries plan to address the spiritual needs of the Zoramites?
    • Scripture: Alma 31:5 (To preach the word of God)
      • "And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just—yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them—therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God."
    • Interpretation: The Nephite missionaries planned to preach humility, faith in Christ, and repentance as the primary means to address the spiritual needs of the Zoramites.
  2. What does Korihor’s demise teach us about the consequences of persistent opposition to God?
    • Scripture: Alma 30:59-60 (Korihor’s death)
      • "And it came to pass that as he went forth amongst the people, yea, among a people who had separated themselves from the Nephites and called themselves Zoramites, being led by a man whose name was Zoram—and as he went forth amongst them, behold, he was run upon and trodden down, even until he was dead. And thus we see the end of him who perverteth the ways of the Lord; and thus we see that the devil will not support his children at the last day, but doth speedily drag them down to hell."
    • Interpretation: Korihor’s demise illustrates that rejecting God and His truths can lead to severe consequences, both in this life and in the next.
  3. How can Alma’s approach to dealing with Korihor be applied in modern conflicts of faith?
    • Scripture: Alma 30:41-44 (Alma’s dialogue with Korihor)
      • "[...] Believest thou that there is a God? And he answered, Nay. Now Alma said unto him: If ye deny again, my God, I will give you a sign, that ye shall be struck dumb, according to my words, that you shall no more have utterance."
    • Interpretation: Alma’s approach of bearing personal testimony and pointing to evidence of God’s work, including the natural world and his own spiritual experiences, can be a model for addressing doubts and arguments against faith today.
  4. What does Alma 30 teach about the power of personal testimony?
    • Scripture: Alma 30:39 (Alma’s testimony)
      • "Now Alma said unto him: Will ye deny again that there is a God, and also deny the Christ? For behold, I say unto you, I know there is a God, and also that Christ shall come."
    • Interpretation: Alma 30 highlights that personal testimony is powerful in affirming the truth and standing against false teachings.
  5. How does Alma 31 contrast faith-based worship with rote religious practices?
    • Scripture: Alma 31:12-23 (The Zoramites’ prayers on the Rameumptom)
      • "For behold, every man did go forth and offer up these same prayers—now the place was called by them Rameumptom, which, being interpreted, is the holy stand."
    • Interpretation: Alma 31 contrasts the genuine, heartfelt prayers of the faithful with the empty, prideful rituals of the Zoramites.
  6. Why is it important to approach others with compassion, as Alma did with the Zoramites?
    • Scripture: Alma 31:31-35 (Alma’s compassionate prayer for the Zoramites)
      • "O Lord, my heart is exceedingly sorrowful; wilt thou comfort my soul in Christ. O Lord, wilt thou grant unto us that we may have success in bringing them again unto thee in Christ."
    • Interpretation: Compassion opens hearts and minds and is vital in reaching and teaching others with love and understanding rather than judgment.
  7. What lessons can be learned from Alma’s persistence in his missionary efforts despite opposition?
    • Scripture: Alma 31:6-7 (Persistent efforts by Alma and the missionaries)
      • "Therefore, he took those who were with him, and returned again among the people of the Zoramites, to preach unto them the word of God."
    • Interpretation: It teaches the importance of perseverance, patience, and faith in carrying out God’s work, despite challenges and opposition.
  8. How did the Zoramites show their pride in their religious practices?
    • Scripture: Alma 31:21-23 (Zoramites’ public prayers)
      • "Therefore, whosoever desired to worship must go forth and stand upon the top thereof, and stretch forth his hands towards heaven, and cry with a loud voice, saying: Holy, holy God; we believe that thou art God, and we believe that thou art holy, and that thou wast a spirit, and that thou art a spirit, and that thou wilt be a spirit forever."
    • Interpretation: The Zoramites displayed their pride through their public prayers on the Rameumptom, showing a sense of elitism and self-righteousness.
  9. What role does humility play in true worship and faith, as seen in Alma’s examples?
    • Scripture: Alma 31:14-18 (Contrast between the humble and the proud)
      • "Therefore, who could call themselves Zoramites were compelled to bow down, not before God, but before the people."
    • Interpretation: These verses show the emptiness and pride in the worship of the Zoramites. There's a lack of true humility, faith, and understanding of God's plan. Alma's observations highlight the contrast between genuine faith and the superficial, repetitive prayers of the Zoramites.
Here are some inspirational quotes related to the themes and lessons from these chapters:

Faith and Obedience:
"I too believe that God will always make a way where there is no way. I believe that if we will walk in obedience to the commandments of God, if we will follow the counsel of the priesthood, he will open a way even where there appears to be no way." — Gordon B. Hinckley

Testifying of Christ:
"Faith in Jesus Christ is the first principle of the gospel and the foundation of all other principles." — Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Overcoming Opposition:
"Remember that the Lord has promised that He will help us through our trials. As we turn to Him, He will provide the strength we need to overcome." — Henry B. Eyring

The Power of Prayer:
"Heavenly Father is always more ready to bless us than we are to ask for His blessings." — Joseph B. Wirthlin

Moral Development and Self-Improvement:
"Good habits are developed in the workshop of our daily lives. It is not in the great moments of test and trial that character is built. That is only when it is displayed." — Delbert L. Stapley


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