His image in your Countenance,

From Mormonad titled "Create the Perfect Self Portrait"
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In the light of God's eternal grace,
Have you found your sacred place?
His image shining in your face,
A transformation, a divine embrace.

Within your heart, a change profound,
Faith in redemption, firm and sound.
Gaze ahead with eyes of faith,
Immortality beckons, beyond death's wraith.

Corruption fades, incorruption blooms,
Awaiting judgment in life's tombs.
Stand before God, deeds laid bare,
In mortal body, the soul's true fare.

In the court of divine judgment, will you stand,
With lies on your lips, a deceitful hand?
Claiming righteousness where guilt resides,
Will salvation be granted as darkness hides?

A perfect remembrance of wickedness past,
Guilt and remorse, a shadow cast.
Can you face God with a pure heart,
With His image engraved, a sacred art?

Yielding to the devil, a path of despair,
Garments stained, a soul laid bare.
Will your filthiness testify against,
Murderers and sinners, in guilt immense?

Cleanse your garments, wash them white,
Through the blood of the Redeemer's light.
For in the kingdom of God, a place to sit,
Requires purity, free from deceit.

Prepare quickly, strip off pride and envy,
Walk blameless, with humility aplenty.
Repent, for the hour draws near,
Embrace redemption, let salvation appear.

- Jerry Nuñez Bustillo
Alma 5:14-33


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