Dust in the Wind

Many think our life is short,
So we'll find joy, as we are taught.
Yet few consider life's great strain,
So we must live, despite the pain.

"To every thing there is a season,"
A time for all, God has His reason.
Time alone brings trouble near,
Life ends swiftly, we disappear.

We treasure life, a gift so grand,
Yet time's value, like gold, will stand.
"Bear ye one another's burdens," true, 
And in the end, our efforts accrue.

But not too long, as years go by,
"Man is like to vanity," we sigh.
Youth blooms bright but soon will flee,
In dust we'll return, as our destiny.

Time won't remember by and by,
"For dust thou art," we all must die.
But in the end, we humbly find,
We’re dust in the wind, as in grave we'll lie.

- Jerry N. Bustillo

Scriptural reference that I gathered -
  • Genesis 3:19
  • Psalm 144:4
  • Galatians 6:2
  • Ecclesiastes 3:1


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