About the General Conference

How important was the General Conference?
General Conference is more than just a biannual event for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; it's a sacred opportunity for us to receive guidance, inspiration, and direction from our Church leaders.

The voice of the servants it is the same.
First and foremost, General Conference is a chance for us to hear the voice of the Lord through His chosen prophets and apostles. In Doctrine and Covenants 1:38, the Lord says, "What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." By listening to General Conference, we are following the Lord's counsel to heed His servants as if He were speaking directly to us. 

Spiritual Nourishments and Personal Revelations.
Secondly, General Conference provides spiritual nourishment and personal revelation. As we listen to the talks, we can feel the Spirit confirming truths to our hearts and minds. It’s a time when we can receive answers to our personal prayers and concerns. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf once said, "General Conference is an opportunity to receive personal revelation as living prophets give counsel and direction." By humbling ourselves and coming prepared with questions, we open the door for the Spirit to teach and guide us.

Another key aspect of General Conference is the unity it brings among members. No matter where we are in the world, we come together as one body of Saints, listening to the same messages and feeling the same Spirit. This shared experience strengthens our unity and reinforces our collective commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Modern Challenges
Moreover, the teachings from General Conference help us navigate the complexities of our modern world. The counsel given by our leaders is timely and relevant, addressing the challenges we face today. For example, President Nelson’s emphasis on peacemaking in April 2023 reminded us of the importance of fostering love and understanding in a world often filled with tension and strife. Such guidance helps us live more Christlike lives and be better disciples of the Savior.

Spiritual Progression and evaluation.
Finally, General Conference serves as a spiritual checkpoint. It provides us with regular opportunities to evaluate our spiritual progress, make necessary course corrections, and recommit to living the gospel. President Nelson once said, "We take seriously the Lord’s mandate to teach his doctrine and to warn his people." General Conference reminds us of our covenants and helps us stay on the path of righteousness.

General Conference is a vital part of our spiritual lives. It is a time to hear the Lord’s voice, receive personal revelation, unite as a Church, navigate modern challenges, and recommit to the gospel. Let us approach each General Conference with an open heart and a desire to learn. As we do so, we will be blessed with greater understanding, peace, and the strength to endure faithfully.

Links for more information

Fun Trivia
  1. First General Conference: The very first conference of the Church was held on June 9, 1830, just two months after the Church was organized.
  2. Pigeon Visitor: As mentioned earlier, in the 1980s, a pigeon famously interrupted a session by flying around inside the Tabernacle.
  3. Longest Talk: Elder Orson Pratt holds the record for the longest General Conference address, which lasted more than an hour in the October 1856 conference.
  4. Shortest Conference Talk: On the other end, President Monson delivered one of the shortest talks ever in April 2008, lasting just a little over three minutes.
  5. First Broadcast: The first radio broadcast of the General Conference was in 1924, marking a major milestone in the Church's efforts to spread its message.
  6. Television Era: The first television broadcast of the General Conference was in October 1949, allowing members to watch the sessions from the comfort of their homes.
  7. International Flavor: The General Conference has included talks given directly in languages other than English, embracing the Church's global membership. Talks have been given in Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese, and more.
  8. More than 90 Languages: Translation efforts make the General Conference accessible to members worldwide, with sessions translated into over 90 languages simultaneously.
  9. Artistic Choir: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, which performs during the Conference, has no paid members; all are volunteers who practice and perform purely out of dedication and love for their music and faith.
  10. First Female Speaker in the Modern Era: In April 1984, Relief Society General President Barbara B. Smith was the first woman to speak at the General Conference in the modern era, setting a precedent for regular inclusion of female leaders in the sessions.Thank you and have a nice day.
- Jerry Nuñez Bustillo


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