Despite the initial question's lack of clarity, I find it captivating and would like to provide a balanced and informative response to assist Jose Magadia in his concerns. This was actually addressed to Glen Mari R. Lamis. Let's proceed -


The title is not actually intended for the 70 elders since we already have missionaries who could address this question straight. Yet he is acting cool enough to state this poor questions.

1. Is the NAME of Christ Church FOUND in the Bible?

This has been address over and over in this blog article maybe he is not aware of the type of question that was asked. More of this Jose Magadia in this link below -

There were others that I didn't add and going over and over in the entire discussion with our INC friends. So why was the registered church name important? Doest Christ really state the true Church must be or should bear the exact name such as Church of Christ?

2. Is it the Church Christ REFERRED to in Matthew 16:18 (I Will Build My Church) ?

I also address this issue to one of our INC friends and what Christ refered to as rock which is Revelation and authority which Christ gave to the Apostles.

Paul used the word foundation which basically the same point as Christ addressed to Peter.
20. Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man’s foundation:
21. But as it is written, To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see: and they that have not heard shall understand. - Romans 15:20-21 KJV

Paul summarized his thoughts in his different epistle where he addressed to the Ephesians Saints.

Ephesians 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;

In LDS perspective, this verse highlights the importance of the apostles and prophets in the Church, emphasizing that Jesus Christ is the ultimate foundation - the chief cornerstone. It teaches us that the teachings and revelations given through prophets and apostles are crucial, but that Christ is central to everything the Church is and does. It's a beautiful reminder of how we're all connected in our faith through Christ and the leaders He has chosen.

3. And if the Name of your Church is found in the Bible, Are all it’s teachings and doctrines are BIBLICAL, or MAN-MADE?

This is a pretty good question and smart. Your since I already made my points about the foundations but let's answer it straight.

The Church teaches that it is a restoration of the original church established by Jesus Christ, and thus its teachings are intended to align with the teachings of Christ and His apostles as found in the Bible.

Some Latter-day Saint beliefs and practices can be directly found in the Bible, such as baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 19:2-6), and the importance of prophets (Ephesians 4:11-14). Other teachings may not be explicitly detailed in the Bible but are believed to be consistent with biblical principles and are also clarified or expanded upon in other Latter-day Saint scriptures.

It is also understood within the Church that continuous revelation through living prophets is a fundamental principle, which means that God can reveal new guidance or clarify existing doctrines through His prophets today, just as He did in biblical times. This belief is based on the biblical precedent that God "will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7).

Members of the Church are encouraged to study the scriptures, pray, and seek personal revelation to understand and confirm the truth of these teachings for themselves. This personal conversion and testimony are foundational to Latter-day Saint faith.

4. Is the LDS Church BELONG to the PROPHESIED in the Bible, that WOULD RE-EMERGE in these Last days?

Members of the Church often refer to scriptures in both the Bible and other Latter-day Saint scriptures that they feel prophesy and support this restoration.

One key biblical prophecy that Latter-day Saints believe points to the restoration of Christ's church and the gospel in the latter days is found in Acts 3:19-21, where Peter speaks of a time of refreshing and the restoration (restitution) of all things before the Lord's return. They interpret "the restoration of all things" to mean the gospel in its fullness, priesthood authority, and the establishment of Christ's church as it originally was.

Another significant scripture is found in Amos 8:11-12, which speaks of a "famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord." Latter-day Saints interpret this as a prophecy of the Apostasy—a period when the fullness of the gospel and the authority of God were lost from the earth following the death of the apostles. The Restoration then, through the Prophet Joseph Smith, is seen as the end of that famine, with the coming forth of the Book of Mormon as a new witness of Jesus Christ alongside the Bible, and the re-establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ with priesthood authority to administer its ordinances.

Additionally, Isaiah 29:13-14 is often cited in connection with the Book of Mormon, with Latter-day Saints interpreting the "marvelous work and a wonder" as referring to the coming forth of the Book of Mormon in the latter days as another testament of Jesus Christ and a key part of the restoration of the gospel.

Members of the Church believe that God has always communicated with His children through prophets and that after a period of general apostasy, He has once again reached out to humanity through a prophet, Joseph Smith, to restore the Church of Jesus Christ with its original authority, teachings, and ordinances.

5. Does it’s history COINCIDE with the Prophecy?

It does, see the same answer on your 4th question that deals about it. I'll elaborate more of it on different article sometime if I have enough time in this world 🤣🤣🤣. Kidding aside

6. Are the Lds preachers and ministers RECOGNIZED and SENT by God to PREACH?

Essentially, if God set up His servants, known as prophets, to lay their hands on others to confer the authority to baptize and proclaim the Gospel of repentance, then the answer is yes. Joseph Smith was given the authority to baptize directly by John the Baptist, who appeared to him along with Oliver Cowdery. Later, Peter, James, and John, from the original Twelve Apostles, also appeared to them and laid their hands on them to pass on the Priesthood Authority they had received from Christ (John 15:16). If you're interested in watching a video presentation about this, here is a part of it.

There were many others that doesn't need to be include in this article, but if you want to dive deeper I would love to do so.

... Let that sink-in my friend...

Thank you and the concerns has been addressed.

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